11 AKA non of those things happened

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There stood
Two royal families, facing each other. One out of both,waiting for the other to break. Cause a scene. End ties and treaties....


Non of those things happened.


"So..... your lover's back." Was what Elizabeth said with a small smile staring at Wolfram.
"*Sigh* Elizabeth... Please believe me when I say that I'm deeply and truly sorry.. I never meant and or intended to play with your feelings for me.... But-" "-but your heart was and will never truly be mine. Is that it?" Elizabeth Softly interrupted and simply stated for him. And all Wolfram could do was simply nod slowly.
"Hmm (•́‿•̀) I never really thought that this might happen but.... I'm glad" said Elizabeth. "Wait/You're What?!" Asked Wolfram and exclaimed Elizabeth's father at the same time. And the rest of the royals were equally shocked. They never expected Elizabeth to be so...calm about this. I mean, the girl's literally been pinning for Wolfram since they were kids! Heck! The least they expected her to do was throw a fit of rage, end ties with not only the kingdom but with Wolfram as well, right before slapping him on the right cheek and walking-no stomping her way out and away from shin makoku forever.
They were prepared...they were all prepared. Including Elizabeth's father.


Non of those things happened.


"Yes. I'm glad. For honestly... I never thought we would be happy in our marriage, not to forget, I always wanted a marriage based and built on a foundation of love, not force, treaties and convenience... but love" said Elizabeth. "Oohhww Elizabeth sweetie..." Said her father. "I really loved you, honest..... that's why I'm letting you go. So you can love the
who you want to love. Love someone who makes you happy. Love someone who loves you back."
By now Wolfram unbeknownst to him, felt the tears run unashamedly down his face.

She hugged him, wished him well and that he and Yuuri will make amends and also made him promis- no swear to invite him to their wedding.
And with that she left with her emotionally unstable father.

"Well... that went well...." Said lady Celi. "In all honesty I expected something more violent, and by the end of it all, Gunther crying at the end of it all but... Non of those things happened."

There was an unspoken 'mhm'

"Hmph! Now that's the end of that. Now we go look for Yuuri." Declared Wolfram with finality to which there were a series of 'yes your majesty'
He then turned to Gwendal and Conrad then said. "I won't be able to do this alone...I need your help brothers" Gwendal huffed then nodded saying "of course" and Conrad with a salute said " I swore to protect him and not leave his side once and I failed to do so...but I will not make the same mistake again" making Wolfram smile.

"Operation! Get back the rightful king is a go!" Happily yelled Gunther. Causing a few looks to be thrown his way but what the heck.

All the while a confused Murata was silently praying his friend wasn't dead and didn't do something stupid.

If only he knew

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