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Brianna Pov 

Hello, my name is Brianna Volts, I am 16 years old I live in America Los Angeles My best friends are in a group there is one girl who is very popular her name is Abigail Skylar's. 

She can be very mean sometimes when she doesn't get things her way,  every time she talks, she sounds so bossy and she tells all of us what to do except for her boyfriend. His name is Alexandra he is 21 years old and older than her, but she controls her boyfriend and doesn't let him do whatever he wants to do. She even forces him to do something that he doesn't like to do, for example, when he tried to break up with her she would get upset and try to kill him overnight but that didn't go to plan because it backfired on her fault of betrayal, controlling and forcing people to do things that they don't want to do. Abigail Skylars is manipulative, all she wants is to be powerful by dictating people's actions, she gains strength from attention, it is like the whole world revolves around her. 

Monday 20th March 2019

weather: Sunny day/ cloudy 

Time: 9:30 am 

One day, in college, Brianna came into class with a dissatisfied face, it looked as if she wanted to kill everybody in the class. Brianna sat down with her legs on the table, chewing gum very loudly, so loud you could barely hear the teacher teach. The student beside her desk gently tapped her shoulder to be aware of her loud chewing. Brianna turns her head toward the student and gave him an intimidating look. the student knew what that look meant and was scared, so he turned his head around, facing the teacher, trying his best to act normal. 

Brianna started to get bored as the teacher was teaching and talking about history Brianna doesn't like to get her work done she doesn't do them mainly because she struggles in class and can't concentrate on her work, her teacher even tried to get her to do something but Brianna didn't want to do it because she is worried that she's gonna fail her exams that is around the corner. 

Brianna had been accused of bullying the students who were working quietly and trying to learn and trying to listen to the teacher, when the student told Brianna to stop being rude to them Brianna looked at the student with power and said to her.

Brianna sighed and replied out loud "NO!  be quiet nerd.  DO NOT TELL ME WHAT TO DO and you know what if you talk to me one more time I will do something to you and it won't be nice at all and you will see what I will do that no one can't do." 

As the teacher explained the work to the students who needed help, Brianna started to cause trouble and distracted the students. Brianna was making some rude comments about the students and even saying how they don't need help, Then the other student from across the room named Aaliyah Joy was so annoyed that she had to stand up to the bully in class she said to her in a brave voice.

"Brianna please stop distracting the students who are trying their best to learn you really are getting annoying when you keep making rude comments about other people's looks maybe you should stop, think, and listen to what you're saying before you will get worse and you won't like what I will do if you get me mad as Hell!" 

Brianna rolled her eyes, got up aggressively, and yelled right back at Aaliyah Joy "Oh I would like to see you try you think your so tough aren't you why don't you come at me if you think your so strong let's fight right now or if not let's fight at lunchtime 12:30 sharp!"

Aaliyah replied to her walking towards her " Yh right you will see when I win, never mess with me because I know you're trying so hard to be bad but you are not and whatever you're going through fighting does not make your problems go away and you will regret it once I finished you." 

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