Being more open

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Brianna pov 

Thursday 13th March 2019 time  8:30 pm 

We saw the 18-year-old girl running up the stairs with tears in her eyes I looked at the parents they said to me that I should talk to her, I went to her room to talk to her I knocked on the door and went inside.

" Hey, you ok we saw you running to your room what's the matter?" I said comforting her.

"When you said why I was betraying all my friends and random people, being rude to others, and why I wasn't being nice at all it's because I've been through way worse when I was younger back in primary everybody hated me they didn't want to talk to me or played with me and I felt so useless that everyone was bullying me and saying that I don't deserve to have friends or even I should just give up and not come back they said well worse and that's not all of it," Abi told Brianna about her past

The sad girl continued " Then after that, I moved to different schools I had one friend there who understood me differently than other students that were at the school but when we got to year 6 what she did to me I will never forget she betrayed me worse she said she will be there for me but she turned her back on me and didn't even say a word to me not even once and I was devastated." 

Brianna replied, " Is  that the reason why you've been betraying people today and not even caring about other people's feelings that's just messed up but I know I can help you change your ways for the better."

Abigail replied whilst crying " Thanks but you know that I will find it hard to change who I am today I'm not used to trying to be good I think if I  try to be good I won't use people or even betray my friends so that they don't hate me even more." she said wiping her tears 

 Abigail continued "Also please do not tell my friends and including Saskia I don't them to find out about my past when I  was younger and I can only trust you because I opened up to you and I feel so relieved that I did."

Brianna replied " Don't worry I won't tell no one about your past your secret is with me." whilst looking at the girl who is still upset about the whole thing.

Abi said "Thank you for being my true friend and I was wondering if you like to hang out with me at school tomorrow with my friends I promise I won't do anything bad." she said hugging her best friend 

Brianna replied, "Yh I don't mind at all and I honestly find it cool to hang out with you guys so much better than the ones I had in my past." Both of them started to laugh

Abi said " Yh but anyways it's time for bed now it's 11:20 pm we got to get up in the morning." they got into each separate bed turned the lights off and said goodnight to each other.

The next day Friday 14th March 2022

They heard the sound of the alarm clock going off Abi got up and turned it off, She went to get ready in the shower, did her daily routine and got her breakfast, brushed her teeth, did her hair, and got her hair and make-up on. After that Brianna got out of her bed she did the morning routine you know the drill, once she got ready both of them packed their bags and even Brianna she got her things ready because she has to go home after school.

 Time skips forward in school. . . . . . . .

Abi's pov 

After the talk last night about my past I'm hoping that she won't tell my secret because I will be upset and get mad at her. I'm kind of worried that she will spread it around to her closest friends and tell them about my past without my permission. We were walking to our friends they saw us and came over and hugged us as we were talking suddenly Brianna almost spilled my secret I hit her arm hard so she doesn't say it out loud and she cried out "Oww why did you do that for!" rubbing her sore arm.

" Don't worry about it I don't want you talking about what I said to you last night that's why  I hit your shoulder to stop you from spilling my secret when it's got nothing to do with them." With a stern voice glaring her eyes at Brianna who is looking down at the floor. 

" Ok I'm sorry for almost spilling your secret about your past when some kids in your school bullied you and used you and even betrayed and now you do it to your other friends but not these guys but other friends that you had before and you even made fun of peoples looks when they were born differently than people and you know what. That's just messed up girl, If you ever think of betraying me good luck with that because you won't have any friends left after what  you've done." When her voice raised differently like she was very mad at her.

"You did NOT say that out loud HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME I told you not to tell anyone my secret and you did in front of my friends why would you do this a just opened up to you yesterday but now I don't know If I could tell you my secrets again because your gonna spread rumor's around the school I can't believe now I'm  going to lose some friends because of your Blabber mouth spilling my secret I'm gone I'll meet you guys at  lunchtime and not Brianna I'm no longer her friend." Abi starts walking off feeling very upset 

What do you guys think will happen between the two girls and all the girls in the group thank you for reading my chapter 4 book.

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