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No one's pov

After Abigail Skylar screamed at Brianna and stormed off walking somewhere else in anger  everyone was shocked at how she handled the situation differently, Saskia then said "is that what she told you last night and how did you react about how the kids bullied her and betrayed her?" Brianna replied, " Well when she told me about her past I was in shock I didn't know what to say about what she had been through and why she was being like this today and what made her act that way." Saskia then said, " But maybe you shouldn't have said that out loud because now everyone knows and if someone did that to you would you like it?, no you wouldn't so if someone tells you about their past and why they act like how they do then do not say it out loud otherwise some people won't be your friends and I'm being serious about this Brianna it's not funny to say things out loud." She said with disappointment in her voice and with that Brianna was about to say something but she got cut off by Saskia and her other friends saying "not another word!" and started walking off. 

Brianna stood there for the past 10 minutes looking like she had just lost her best friends including Saskia her only best friend had betrayed her and her friends even Abigail had betrayed her too she was so mad at herself that she had regrets all over her face and now she doesn't want to be near anyone and she went to her first class looking upset. when she went to her first class she was hiding her emotions and hadn't even said a word in class until the teacher asked her some questions or even worked out some math problem.

She didn't even want to do it so she said "Let someone else do it I can't do it not in the mood." with her legs on the table not even caring. The teacher then said to her put your legs down and do your math work after that she did not care at all and started causing trouble.  

Brianna's behavior continued to spiral out of control as the day went on. She disrupted other classes, talked back to teachers, and ignored her friends' attempts to calm her down. It seemed as though she had completely given up on trying to salvage her relationships and reputation.

Word of Brianna's behavior quickly spread throughout the school, and soon enough, she found herself isolated and alone. Even the teachers became frustrated with her disruptive behavior and started distancing themselves from her. Brianna felt like an outcast, lost in a sea of judgment and disappointment.

One day, while she sat alone in the cafeteria during lunch break, a familiar face caught her attention. It was Abigail Skylar, the one person she least expected to see. Abigail approached Brianna cautiously, her eyes filled with a mixture of worry and compassion.

"Hey, Brianna," Abigail said softly. "I know we've had our differences, but it seems like everything has spiraled out of control for you. Mind if I join you?"

Brianna looked up at Abigail, surprised by her gesture. She hesitated for a moment before nodding, allowing Abigail to take a seat across from her. The cafeteria fell silent, as their classmates watched with curiosity and anticipation.

"I never meant for things to turn out like this," Brianna admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know why I couldn't control myself. I just... I feel so lost."

Abigail nodded sympathetically. "We all have our breaking points, Brianna. But pushing people away won't solve anything. It's important to confront your issues and work through them together."

Tears welled up in Brianna's eyes as she realized the truth behind Abigail's words. She had been so focused on her own pain and anger that she failed to see how her actions were affecting those around her. It was time for her to take responsibility and make amends.

Over the next few weeks, Brianna began to rebuild her relationships, starting with Saskia and the rest of her friends. She reached out to them, apologizing for her behavior and acknowledging her mistakes. Slowly but surely, they began to forgive her, recognizing the genuine effort she was putting into changing.

With time, Brianna's relationships blossomed again, stronger than before. She became more self-aware and empathetic, always considering how her actions might impact others. No longer did she let anger and frustration control her; instead, she sought healthier ways to cope with her emotions.

Brianna's journey taught her the importance of resilience, forgiveness, and the power of second chances. Most importantly, it taught her that true friendship and personal growth come from acknowledging one's faults and actively working to better oneself.

As graduation day approached, Brianna and her friends stood side by side, ready to conquer the next chapter of their lives. They had learned invaluable lessons about forgiveness, understanding, and the intricate balance of maintaining healthy relationships. With newfound strength and determination, Brianna was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

skip through the day at 3:30 pm 

After college Brianna went home herself self she would usually go with her friends but she doesn't want to go with them anymore as they betrayed her a few hours ago and it went so bad that she had to delete their numbers from her contact lists and it was hard for her as the day went on later at night she got home late at 5:00 pm and her parents were not happy with her but she did not care what they think of her, she went upstairs to change into her pajama's. 

She closed her door put her phone on charge and she went over to the bed and lay down feeling very upset that her only friends betrayed her, she was a hot mess all she wanted was to help her friends out and even have fun with them but it looks likes it's not going to happen at all, she looks so depressed at how everything went so fast and she did not blink one bit staring at the ceiling as she thinks through her mind of how she's going to get through this without it breaking her heart and her emotions even fast she'll need some help to get rid of the pain.

She's still laying in her bed with falling down her eyes, tears streaming down her face. The weight of the betrayal and loneliness consumed her, suffocating her every thought and breath.

As the night went on, Brianna couldn't help but replay the events of the day in her mind. She questioned her own actions, wondering if she was to blame for what had transpired. She felt a deep sense of regret for not handling the situation with Abigail differently, for not being more understanding and supportive. The guilt settled heavily within her heart, amplifying the pain she already felt.

Suddenly, Brianna's phone lit up with a notification. Reluctantly, she picked it up, half-expecting it to be another hurtful message from her ex-friends. But to her surprise, it was a message from someone she wasn't familiar with—an unfamiliar number with the name "Unknown" attached to it.

Curiosity piqued, Brianna opened the message, and her heart skipped a beat as she read the words. It was a heartfelt apology from Abigail. Abigail explained how overwhelmed she had been with her own emotions and difficulties, and how it had manifested in her outburst towards Brianna. She expressed deep remorse for her actions and begged for forgiveness.

Tears welled up in Brianna's eyes once again, but this time with a glimmer of hope. She realized that everyone makes mistakes, and true friendship meant being able to forgive and grow together. Taking a deep breath, she typed out a response, accepting Abigail's apology and expressing her own desire to reconcile.

Though hesitant, Brianna reached out to her other friends as well, not willing to let their friendship end so abruptly. To her surprise, each one responded positively, expressing their regret for turning their backs on her.

In the following days, Brianna and her friends engaged in heartfelt conversations, gradually rebuilding the trust and bond that had been shattered. Through open communication and understanding, they worked through their differences, realizing that their friendship was worth fighting for.

With time, Brianna began to heal, letting go of her anger and hurt. She learned the importance of empathy, compassion, and forgiveness. The experience taught her that misunderstandings can occur even amongst the closest of friends, but true friendship withstands the test of time.

As the days turned into weeks, Brianna and her friends formed a stronger, more resilient circle. They became each other's pillars of support, weathering life's ups and downs together. From that point forward, they vowed to always communicate honestly and openly, never allowing misunderstandings to fester.

And so, Brianna found solace in the love and understanding of her friends, realizing that no matter how challenging life may be, as long as she had their unwavering support, she could overcome anything. The pain she once felt slowly dissipated, replaced by a renewed sense of hope and a strengthened bond with her newfound support system.

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