chapter three

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It was the night of the great feast where Laenerys and Cregans betrothal would be announced most definitely causing some doubts amongst many houses seeing at both the house Targaryen and Stark were very powerful and many feared what would happen if an alliance were to be formed between the two great houses.

Laenerys had protested many a time with the maids who had tried to make her try on nice gowns and dresses. She was acting spoilt and even she knew it but deep down she was just a scared little girl who did not want to die like her Mother and did not want to have a miserable life with a cruel husband.

The young girl had prayed many a night that Cregan would be kind which many people had told her he was but she would have to see it and him to believe it.

Either way there wed would go one of three ways. The good way were they may not truly love each other but treat one another with respect and have some children. The bad way were he would be cruel and force him self upon her and make her miserable or the way which rarely happened but did sometimes occur where the two of them actually fell in love and he would treat her right.

Laenerys had decided that she would wait to be the judge of what he would be like. After all she can easily create her own way of dealing with him if he was a bad or cruel man. She could just burn Winterfell and all it's people to the ground with her dragon and then leave her god forsaken family forever.

She only stayed for Rhaenyra's family  and a few other members of house Targaryen that she loved.

She did have many friends. Accept the servants, a few other lady's and her nieces who were Daemons children who were very close in age with her self. It was hard to have any when she was always cramped up in a castle.

"Excuse me princess but Lord Hightower will punish us if you are not at the feast on time so may I?" One of the maids asked the girl who was sat down on the sofa in her room while staring at the fire.

"You may." Laenerys told all the servant girls who were in her room and within seconds they had all started to brush threw her hair putting it in different weaves and braids and getting the a beautiful black and red gown with a dragon embroidered on the centre of the dress for her to wear.

Just as she was finishing up with getting ready a knock was sounded at the door.


As Laenerys looked towards the door expecting it to be another maid or one of her friends she was rather surprised when her Uncle Daemon entered while holding a bracelet in his hand.

"For you my dear niece and sister in law." He smiled at her while clearly taking amusement in her frustrated expression making him laugh.

"I feel like a rat." Laenerys said while turning around fully to face him whilst also fidgeting with her hands and the hem of her dress sleeves.

"Well you are a very beautiful rat then." He said while the two smiled at each other. Rhaenyra had asked him to come and see her sister as he heard of their argument and understood that they were both avoiding each other.

Although he would never admit it but he did see Laenerys as a daughter of his he had always viewed them to be like this. A father-daughter relationship and he did not wish to see her get married as his brother Viserys did. He did have a plan though he was going to threaten the living shit out of Cregan Stark to make sure that he would treat her perfectly.

"Rats aren't beautiful."Laenerys sighed aloud before waving her hand at the servants. "Leave us." She told them and one by one they all exited.

"I wish to walk you to the banquet if you will have me my lady." Daemon bowed jokingly while offering his hand out to the young girl. He dead always had a soft spot for her after all.

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