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The day in the heaven realm was beautiful and calm like always

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The day in the heaven realm was beautiful and calm like always. Until...

''How come he ascended again?''
''Are you coming back so many times?''
''Third time already...''
''That's true.''
''Bet he won't make it through this year.''
''I bet on three days.''

And so on and so forth the mighty Martial gods of the Heaven's Upper Court threw insults towards the former Crown Prince of Xianle, Xie Lian.
''Ling Wen said His Majesty wanted to recruit help. Is it for the Crown Prince?'' asked one of the Martial gods, Mu Qing.
''That must be it.''
''No one else needs it more than Xie Lian.''
''A heavenly official who has nothing.''
''No palaces, no offerings and no believers.''

''I told you so. No one would offer help,'' though Xie Lian with a sweat trop.

''Can you all be quiet? I don't think it's respectful to talk about such things in front of the prince himself. Come out, Your Highness.''
Xie Lian couldn't make out who said it but he was very thankful for them. He rubbed his head and walked out.
''Hi, everyone. I'm back.''
''What a fuss, Your Highness has caused with this ascension!'' said Mu Qing.
''I'm alright.''
''I am not alright, though.''
Ling Wen then turned to Xie Lian, ''the bell, Your Highness.''
The prince cleared his throat, ''I heard about the bell. I am very sorry that it hit you.''
''Hmph..'' the god turned away.
''Sir...what is your name?'' asked Xie Lian.
The array curtains flew with rage.
''Oh dear...''

Ling Wen whispered, "Your Highness, this is General Xuan Zhen.''
''Xuan Zhen? This is Mu Qing?''
Even stronger wind blew and someone screamed, ''Who the hell torn down my palace?! Get the hell out!'' A new god came to the array. Mu Qing laughed.
''You did?!'' he asked. Mu Qing stopped and looked at him with a smirk, ''the one to blame stands right there. If I heard correctly the ascension also influenced General Qi Yin's temple.''
''General Qi Yin?''

Everyone looked where General Qi Yin stood. Xie Lian saw a young man with long white hair, which was put into a high ponytail, and fair light skin standing on his left. The man looked like he was in his 20s. The god wore white robes with golden and pink details on it. He was ethereal, a real beauty to the eye.

The god crossed his arms, ''don't worry about it Your Highness. You couldn't possibly known how much damage your ascension would cause. I forgive you this one.''
He bowed his head a little.
Xie Lian remembered that voice. It was the same that called him out before.
Ling Wen whispered, ''this is General Qi Yin, or better known as Yung Chao.'' Xie Lian widened his eyes and looked at the god with shock. It couldn't be?!He haven't changed at all with those 800 years. He didn't know what had happened to him after... after all that happened back then with them.
He looked at him who knows how long, daydreaming of all the lost years they were together when Ling Wen cleared her throat. Yung Chao raised his eyebrow at that but didn't say anything.

Xie Lian looked between Yung Chao and Feng Xin, ''I'm very sorry, Generals.''
''Your highness, this is General Nan Yang.''
''I knew it. I don't think he has recognized me.'' He then looked at everyone. ''I am very sorry for you all. I promise I will compensate for your losses. Just give me some time.'' Xuan Zhen humphed and said, ''I hope your highness keep your word.''
Nan Yang bowed, ''I still have some business to attend to. See you all later.''
He turned to General Qi Yin and bowed again, ''General.'' Yung Chao nodded his head a little for acknowledgement. After that everyone left saying their goodbyes, mostly to General Qi Yin.

When the array was silent Xie Lian looked again to see that one person haven't left. ''Your Highness, you needed some help, didn't you?'' asked the white haired god. Xie nodded but before he could say anything Yung Chao interrupted, ''if you're not against it, I can send someone from my palace.'' Xie Lian smiled and waved his hands nervously, ''no no there is no need. I almost destroyed your temple, I don't think it's a good idea to send someone. I am very sorry General Qi Yin. Please, I can't take the help after what i did.''

Yung Chao smiled at that. ''Your Highness, there is no problem, really. It would be our honor to help you. I'll send someone to you, don't worry. See you around, Crown Prince Xianle.''
He bowed and vanished.
Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. No one has ever been so kind to him.

But something clicked inside him. He turned to Ling Wen who already knew what he wanted to ask. ''He ascended when you were banished. Unfortunately, he doesn't remember anything from his past. The heavenly records about him say that after he ascended he didn't remembered anything that happened, only his name. The Heavenly Emperor found him first and introduced him to his new life. The Emperor hasn't told him about his past, so don't take it to heart if he didn't remember you right now. General Qi Yin is the martial god of the South. Because of his beauty, kindness and close connection with His Majesty, Yung Chao is also named as the god of beauty. Currently he is the Emperor's substitute.''

When Ling Wen finally finished, Xie Lian was in awe.
Yung Chao, his former servant, was so high ranked and so loved by everyone.
Just like in past. Just like in Xianle.

But one question still remained.
How Yung Chao didn't remember anything from the past?


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