A Dairy-Fresh Start! Oh, cheese.

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(Trophy's POV, 1st Person)

I groaned as a loud, annoying beeping sound started playing on the speakers, interrupted by OJ clearing his throat.

"Uhm.. is- yeah.. Attention everyone! After voting from the majority of the hotel.. we've arranged a room change for everybody, so hopefully you'll be able to live more comfortably with people you know better! At 9:00 A.M, you will all have to gather to the living room and be assigned a new roommate! Yay! So you have about an hour to get packed up and ready for your new roommate. If you aren't there... uh.. you... will be yelled at. So please come. Please. Ok cya then!!"


Yeah.. I forgot we did that.

A month ago.

Stupid OJ.. No time management. Whatever.. At least I probably won't be stuck with the walking dead any longer.


Who else could I be roomed with..?

Meh, I'll worry about that when I'm in the room with them.

I should get packed.

I turned over to the plague's bed and heard snuffed whistles spurting out of his mouth, still asleep as always. I got out of bed and softly slapped him in the face, causing him to wake up in a panic.

"Woah, chill out.. sneezy."

"SnfGh.. augh... So that's what nick-naim yoor goin foor... why'd you waik be aup anywaiys...?"

"OJ's switching our room plans, we gotta get packed up. Try to be down the living room at 9.. or he'll yell at you. Probably not you because of your.. condishawn."


"Yeah, Yeah whatever, issues."

"Mean. Aulroight...."

Tissues yawned loudly and struggled out of bed, gripping onto the nightstand next to his bed. I can't help but feel sorry for the guy. He's burdened with this terminal illness for no reason... that I know of. At least he's still managing to stay alive. I looked around the room and shimmied out of the corner between me and the sickly victorian guy's bed, going over to a closet and taking out my backpack, pulling a few sweaters and jackets I had off their hooks and stuffing them into the bottom as compact as I could, so other important things could lay on top. I grabbed my camera off my nightstand and the few trophies on my shelf.. kinda weird to have mini yous displayed in your room, but whatever. I'm proud of them, that's all that matters, I guess.

After I'd packed everything I still needed, I checked the clock.


"Hey.. dead boy walking. You almost done over there?"

"Mmmyah... jus a few moore things..."

"Alright. You can get down yourself, right? I don't wanna seem like an asshole going downstairs without you."

"mhm. It's foine.."

I nodded and left the room, quickly walking down the stairs with my backpack hanging from my shoulder. A few people were already down there, only 4 minutes before it was time to get reassigned rooms. I plopped my bag down on the floor and sat down, leaning against the back of the couch, Pickle grunting and adjusting his body because of it.

More people started filling the room, Tissues still up in his room.

It was 9:02 now, and no Tissues.

OJ started to take attendance like a school teacher, people saying here n' stuff. Once he got to Tissues name, there was silence.

God damn it.

I checked my phone, and realized I'd gotten a few texts from "Bat Soup Eater." Yeah.. very nice contact name. Very proud of that one. He.. lost his medication?? How. How the fuck do you lose something that important. Holy shit this guy's dumb as fuck. That disease really fucked up his brain.

I groaned and got up, quickly rushing into the kitchen, which was, sure enough, where he forgot it. I texted him back saying that he left it in the kitchen and that I have it.

Tissues waddled down the stairs a minute later, rushing over to me and taking the bottle.



"Alright.. now we can actually start with the rooms..."

I blocked out most of OJ's voice, only looking at the people leaving the room, completely ignoring everything. Cheesy walked up to me. Huh.

"...Erm. OJ called us, doofus. Wake ip."



..At least it's not as worse as sneezefest.

Cheesy grabbed onto my arm and started to pull me over. Failing miserably, because I'm solid gold. (Seriously, I can only go in the shallow end of the pool because of this stupid inconvenience.)

"Heh. Twerp."

I snickered and softly pushed him away, walking up the stairs.

"Wait what room are w-"

Cheesy handed me the key, a soft grin on his face.

Word Count:


And they were Re-made! (oh my god I remade it)Where stories live. Discover now