Let's Face It.

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hey goiys sowwy ai was gawn fowa sow lawng ai bwoke awe my wimbs 💔😍 /j

here's a longer chapter for all my troubles!!

My eyes blink open as I finally slip back into consciousness, for what felt like one hour of sleep which was actually 10. I groaned, shoving my palms onto my eyes, squeezing them while i tried to get the tiredness out my rubbing them vigorously. I felt a pressure against my hip, realizing that I had let Cheesy fall asleep on me as we watched this stupid musical. It was actually really good, and pretty funny. And I now know where he gets the word 'Shpadoinkle' from. It was.. super bad quality though; Cheesy said they only had about 100k to work with. But now he's sleeping on me. I would deck him in the face to wake him up, but I... uhm.... don't have enough strength right now.

I get up, pushing him away from me. I try to be gentle... I guess.... he's a pretty heavy sleeper, so all I did was make him snore louder. He.. looked peaceful. This is the second time he's slept on my bed, and each time he has he's looked so... so..


Maybe I should just let him sleep in my bed, and I'll switch with him..

... I-I don't know what the different would be.

He- He just- Sleeps- in my bed a lot! Like- he steals it-?


I stretch my back, letting out a soft grunt of exertion. I grab my phone and check the time. It was almost 10 AM already, so that sure was awesome.. How did I let myself sleep over the alarm? I guess Cheesy put some kind of influence on me. I go to leave the room, almost tripping over one of two bags of popcorn, among all the snacks and drinks we left on the ground aimlessly.

I glance through the cracked open door of the bathroom, in which the light was left on, and saw the blinding orange color of the towels hanging up. And I realize that I had left my own down by the pool from yesterday, not realizing after Cheesy almost fucking DIED, which would be pretty reasonable to forget after something traumatic. I sigh and go back over to my nightstand, pulling out a notepad and scribbling a note as to where I'm going in case Cheesy needs to.. find me... or something, I don't know. I look down at him one last time, biting my lip to contain a smile and heading out the door quietly.

Each step I take just reminds me of all the dumb photos I've been taking of that cheesy bastard, making me speed up.

I don't even know why I take photos of him- I-It's not even like he's photogenic... well, he's in good lighting a lot of the time. I sometimes quickly take pictures of him on stage from off to the side so nobody notices, since the stage lights are good vessels for recordings or photography. It's like, musical-grade.. but smaller. I don't know how OJ affords all of this, and just for some lousy contestants he competed with a while ago? Sheesh, he must be a real people pleaser.

Cheesy seems to hate eating cheese, which makes sense, but he loves cream cheese and cheesecake. He probably thinks it isn't real cheese.. just creamed milk or something. Gross. He always spreads it on everything bagels with turkey and ham and eats it, not even toasted. He's a cannibal and doesn't even know it. But he still likes dairy products. Maybe just not the sentient ones, like him.

I stare at the ground, just now realizing that I wasn't actually going anywhere. I look around before darting towards the sliding doors, my gaze meeting Microphone's as she looked like a kid who had just been caught after hitting a baseball through the window. Microphone fumbled with MY camera, placing it on my towel and smiling awkwardly.

"..This yours...?"

"Yes. It is. Why were you looking through it."

I kept glaring at her, snatching it up off of my towel.

And they were Re-made! (oh my god I remade it)Where stories live. Discover now