chapter five

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Every single wedding plan had now been made for Cregan and Laenerys wedding. It was word amongst the people that their wedding would be one for the ages as the two mighty clans were joining together.

However despite meeting Cregan and acting very friendly with him Laenerys still had her doubts. He could of been pretending he was nice. It seemed taht only bad thoughts could go around her head.

She just kept thinking about how much she would miss Helaena and her sister even more. They didn't get to see each other much but now that she would be living halfway across the seven kingdoms away from her would mean they would see Evan other even less than before and before was already less.

There was also the thought of what I'd the Starks did not like her. She knew that Ravnir would be fond of her king white hair and maybe the people of Winterfell would find her looks intriguing but that did not mean that they would like her. They might even hold her looks against her.

"Laenerys?" Jacaerys voice snapped her out of her trance.

Her sister and her children were currently staying at Kings Landing as the wedding was to be soon.

"Stop thinking about the future and focus on the present." Her nephew told her with a stern tone.

"How are you wiser than me." She shook her head think about how grown up all of her sisters children were now.

It had been around a year since she had last seen Cregan when he had given her the wooden wolf necklace which she had worn everyday since then. Thinking of him whenever she touched it. Sometimes she thought about the marriage in a good light but mostly in a bad light for some reason.

She was almost sure it was because of what Daemon had done to his wife Lady Rhoyce. He had told her about it when he was drunk one night and she could not let the though leave her mind.

"I know your thoughts dwell on the bad in your marriage but you must think of the good." Jacaerys explained to her while grabbing her hand in comfort. "I do not see marrying Baela as a bad thing."

"Yes but that is different." She told the boy. "Baela is your family and you can say whatever you like in the presence of her family because they are also yours. I may never have that privilege."

"You will!" He told her louder this time trying to make his aunt see the light in this situation so she would look happier on the days leading up to the wedding. "You will be apart of Cregan family. In a few days you'll be a stark."

Laenerys didn't know what it was in the boys sentence about being a stark but she hated it. So she got up and exited the room before saying one last thing to him.

"I more of a Targaryen then you ever will be Strong." She said poking fun at the boy being the bastard of the dead Harwin Strong which he knew was true.

Laenerys didn't know what made her say that. Something so horrible to her family but something was changing inside of her and she did not like all the stress and bad thoughts that she kept thinking about the wed but she could simply not stop.

She knew that Cregan was a nice man from what he was like when they had met he took her humour and laughed with her and even gave her a gift before he left without anyone asking him to and as much aa Laenerys hated to admit it, it was one of the first gifts that anyone had given her freely without ask or without ut being simply for duty.

"You take that back!" Jacaerys slammed his hand on the table making Laenerys snap her head around or face him once more.

Rhaenyra and daemon now entered the room with Joffrey, Lucerys and their new born son Viserys in hand.

"Jace? What's going on." His mother asked the boy but he only held eye contact with Laenerys as both their eyes raged with hate that anyone could see.

Jace had his finger pointed at Laenerys now and started to speak once more. "Laenerys said that-" before he could finish Daemon had walked over to the scene and taken ten hand that Jacaerys had held up and lowering it forcefully.

"Take it back or I won't see you as any better than Aegon." He said hate lacing his voice.

"Jace!" His Mother now shouted out to him.

"Enough." Daemon added looking between the both of the.

"Or what you'll burn me just like how your little daddy died." She said with hate. Laenerys spoke in spite and could instantly see the effect that her words had on her sister who now stood stunned with teary eyes as Daemon only stared at Laenerys with his mouth a wide and Jace and Lucreys had hatful expressions.

"How dare you." Jace spat at her.

"What will you do?" Laenerys shouted. "What will any of you do if I saw anything!"

She was mad at her family. She had been mad for years but had never showed it for some reason. She was mad at her sister for being so carefree with making multiple bastards ,even though Laenerys did love the boys.
What Rhaenyra never saw was that she was heir and she could not do that. She was mostly mad at her for leaving her alone for years in Kings Landing with no parental love or any kind of affection from anyone or anything except a dragon.

"How could you say that Laenerys." Her sister asked her her eyes full of tears and her face distraught whom everyone else just watched.

"You left me! You left me alone in Kings Landing with no one!" Laenerys screamed at her sister. "You left me to rot with no signs of any love from anyone!"

"I had my own family!" Rhaenyra told her sister.

"I was your family too!" Laenerys couldn't seem to stop the trapped up rage from escaping her mouth more and more making the argument escalate even more. "But you forgot that! You ignored that you fucking left me Rhaenrya and don't you dare say you loved me after you left me like that." Her voice was now at its normal volume but the tone of her words were filled with spite.

"I loved you so much, I loved all of you so much but I know that none of you would ever try to save me if I was dying! Which is what I would do for every member of this family bastard of not! I would die for all of you and can you honestly look me in my eyes and say you would all do the same for me?"

Their was only silence from the everyone in the room and no one made eye contact with Laenerys as she was spitting facts about their family. Reading them like an open book, telling their story like a fortune teller.

"Thats what I fucking thought." She said with emotion before she turned around and excited the room. No one's voice could now be heard.

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