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The next morning Chris wakes up and looks down at Merida. She is still sound asleep. He gets out of bed and goes to get some coffee and walk a little. While he is gone his phone rings. He sees it is his mother.

            "Hey mom."

            "Hey sweetie. How is Merida?"

            "She's fine. She's sore, but she's okay."

            "I'm glad she's okay. When I heard what happened I was worried."

            "Yeah, so was I."

            "I know, I could tell in your voice when you called me on your way there. When does she get to go home?"

            "I don't know. We have not talked to the doctor yet. I didn't tell you; she had a miscarriage."

            "She did?"

            "Yeah, shocked us both."

            "I bet. I'm sorry that happened."

            "Yeah, but we know she can get pregnant now. She didn't think she could."

            "Yes, but sweetie, you need to give her time before you..."

            "Oh, I know, and I will."

            "Okay. So, when do you plan to get Dodger? I know you probably want to get him."

            "Yes, we have talked about it a little. I was thinking when we move to Boston coming to get him on our way home."

            "When will that be?"

            "On Feb 2."

            "Oh okay, that's not too far away."

            "Yeah, gives us a few days to settle in before I leave on the 7th to go film."

            "Oh right, I forgot your filming. It's a shame you have to leave so soon."

            "Yeah, and I will be gone for at least 3 months."

            "Oh my. That means you will gone on Valentine's Day."

            "Yeah." Chris says sadly.

            "How does Merida feel about that?"

            "She's not happy, but she seems to understand. I plan on making it up to her when I get back. I will also be sending her some things too."

            "That's good. It's your first Valentine's Day married."

            "I know that's why I plan to make it up to her and do all that can to make it special even with me being gone."

            "That's my boy. I taught you well." Lisa smiles.

            "I will talk to you later mom. I need to go."

            "Okay sweetie. Talk to you soon. Give Merida my love."

            "I will."

Chris hangs up and walks back into the room carrying his coffee. Merida is waking up.

            "Good morning beautiful." He says walking towards the bed and kissing her head.

            "I'm definitely not beautiful. I know look horrible."

            "No, you don't. Your always beautiful to me."

Merida tries to smile.

            "I love you Mer, my beautiful wife."

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