His Wife

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"While you were held hostage the kidnappers turned on each other and killed each other?" detective Nkosi repeated Sizwe's statement. "Yes" Sizwe said again. "Mr Dlamini do I look like a fool to you?" detective Nkosi asked. "No" Sizwe answered.

Thando's POV

Detective Nkosi was really bored with the whole investigation and wanted to get Thando's statement and leave." I ran your fingerprint through our system Mrs Dlamini and..." as soon as detective Nkosi said that Thando's whole calm demeanour changed. "You must be mistakes detective. I am not married." Said Thando. "Mrs Dlamini there is no need to deny. I understand you people like keeping your personal lives private but we are doing an investigation here and I would appreciate your co-operation." detectives nkosi said between looking at some papers. "I would love to assist you in anyway I can detective but I am not married." Thando said and leaned back on her chair. This is clearly a trick the detectives we using for what purpose it was unclear to Thando. "So if you are not married how come when I ran your finger prints I got a hit from home affairs that you and Swize are legally married for a couple of years now." detective Nkosi leaned forward on the table and crossed his arms with an inquisitive expression on his face. "You must be mistaken." Thando said sternly.
"I will get you the papers so you can see for yourself." detective Nkosi smirked when he saw the look on Thando's face when she read the papers.

The drive back home was silent as hell. Thando was still trying to process the information the detective had given her. They were interrogated in separate rooms but their alibi was identical. When the lawyer arrived they had a solid story about them being kidnapped and the kidnappers killing each other. The officers Sizwe had on his payroll and staged everything to correspond with their story.

"You haven't said a word since we left the police station." Sizwe said while he focused on the road. "Are you ok?" He spoke softly. Thando did not know what to say. Was she ok? She was married to this man siting next to her. They had been legally married for four years. This man in the car with her was her husband. Did he know it or was it another scheme her grandmother had done.

Thando kept silent the whole trip to the house and got out the car as fast she could. She ran to her room and locked the door behind her. She needed to think and to stay far away from Sizwe, her husband.

"She was silent the whole driver here. I think that she is going to have another mental breakdown." Sizwe said as he briefed his brothers about the events of the day. " Lwazi I need you to contact Mo and tell him to send a team to the warehouse and finish off all those traitors. No one double crosses us!" Sizwe said in rage before he could get up Thando was behind him with her arms wrapped around him. "No more blood for today, please." She pleaded at the verge of tears. Sizwe could feel her shaking. He looked at his brothers and motioned for them to leave. He pulled Thando to his lap and cradled her. He didn't want to lie to her and say he wouldn't send a message but he would make her feel safe. He held onto her until her heart was beating normal again.

"Where is he?" Pinky's voice could be heard from the front door. Before Sizwe could even react Thando was up and sprinted to her room. He hated that she had to live like this because of Pinky. Pinky was dramatic as usual crying and screaming. She was here holding on to him but all Sizwe wanted was to be holding Thando.

The whole night Thando was searching how to check if a marriage is legal. She finally came across an sms number she could dial and it would send her status. She punched in the number and her ID and in less than minute an sms came through. "Married to Sizwe Dlamini" the sms read.

Thando was angry and stormed off to Sizwe's room she had heard Pinky leaving a while ago. She pushed the bedroom door and barged in. "Did you know that we were married?" She asked with clenched fists. Sizwe starred at her like she had just grew wings. "Answer me Sizwe!" She yelled. Sizwe hurried to her and hugged her. He just held her and she did not know how to react. She was so mad but his face looked so scared. Did he know? Was he in on it?

Sizwe: "when you turned eighteen your grandmother came to me with a business proposal. We had been working together for years but she wanted to retire. She was going to give me the business on one condition. The condition was that I marry you. I fought it at first but after sometime I agreed. Your grandmother was supposed to tell you after your coming of age ceremony but she passed before she could have one for you. I didn't know how to tell you.

They sat on Sizwe's bed as he told her the whole story. Thando was now in tears. She did not want to be married. She felt Sizwe left her up and put her on to his lap. He held her tightly in an embrace. She could tell he carried such a heavy weight but he had to do it for his brothers.

"We can get a divorce." Thando said through sobbing. The room was silent for a while and then Sizwe put his thumb under Thando's chin and lifted her face to his. He pressed his lips on hers and Thando felt her whole body light up. He kissed her gently and manoeuvred his tongue in her mouth.

She was sucking on his tongue as his hands caressed her breasts. Thando had never had a man this close to her. In one swift move Sizwe lifted Thando up and placed her on the bed. He got on top of her and resumed passionately kissing her. He was shamelessly grinding on her with his clothes on. Thando knew what he wanted and she was not certain if she could give it to him. She was still confused about being married to him. She needed to break the bond and this marriage.

His breathing was getting laboured and he was undoing her jeans. Thando knew if they crossed this line there was no going back. Sizwe lifted himself up and took off his T-shirt and unbuttoned his jeans. Thando used her knees to push him offer her. As he fell off the bed she got up and ran down the hallway to her room. She was confused and feeling things she has never felt before. Her head was pounding her whole body wanted to go back to Sizwe's embrace. But she had to find a way to end this marriage and the joining. This man already had a woman he loved and she would never take what doesn't belong to her.

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