Noodles and Secrets

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Kai's Pov:

'Allright, I'm here...' I thought nervously 'now how am I going to explain this?'

I walked towards the door, it was too early for Chen's Noodle Shop to be open, but I knew Skylor would be there.

I opened the door.


Skylor looked up. I looked at the ground, unable to make eye contact.

"Kai?" Skylor asked gently, clearly sensing my nervousness.

I looked up, still not making eye contact, "yes?" I muttered.

"What are you doing?" she asked worriedly.

I looked at my shoes, red tennis shoes and fat white laces that had come untied, not knowing how I'd explain the voice and images.

"Are you, are you okay? Kai?" she soothed.

"I- no, no I'm not" I finally said, looking up.

I locked her beautiful amber eyes with mine "and I don't know how to explain it."

Skylor's Pov:

Kai locked his brown eyes with mine, he was clearly upset as the red circle of his iris had nearly disappeared with his big round pupils. That was one of the biggest tell-tale signs that he was upset, exhausted, and just not okay in general. But Kai never has been so distraught and open before to have the red of his eyes almost disappear.

"And I don't know how to explain it" Kai sighed, snapping me back to reality.

I set down my broom on the wall and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Try" I supported, bringing him to a table.

Looking away Kai started "well.."


After Kai explained everything, I had to agree with his statement of how difficult it is to explain, even if you got rid of the stuttering, drifting off, and loss for words there's still just trying to understand it with how strange it was.

"You should tell the others" I suggested.

A brief look shock passed over his face before responding "I can't."


"I just... can't."

"Is it the voi-"

"We both know it's still me!" Kai shouted, tears welling up "And I just... it's been too long and I don't want to ruin anything."

"Hey hey, just... try to sleep" I pleaded.

"You know I can't."

"Try just for a little bit, for me?"

"I- I'll try."

341 words! 

Don't be afraid to criticize me in the comments

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