Chapter Seven: Almost Drowning and an Unexpected Save!

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*********************I own abosolutley nothing, expect for my OC and the little things i add to the plot, other than that it all goes to the Creator of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda, 'Kay, well enjoy!~**************************************************************************************************************

Miki: Finally you update, huh?

Me: Shut up i was busy! i had a whole bunch of homework, and not to mention my finals for this nine weeks are coming up and i gotta a lot of work to make up and...

Miki: Excuses, excuses!

Me: (Angry Glare)

Nami: Uhh, Miki maybe you should stop taunting the author... -_-||

Miki: I don't wanna! ( _#)3_)

Nami: Why are you upside down?

Miki: I don't know...


Chapter Seven: Almost Drowning and an Unexpected Save!


"Enough!" Nami yelled in front of us, " Stop bickering like three year old's and get to paddling! If we don't win this race because of you guys..." She glared at us, and we both shivered unconsciously, "Get your ass in gear!!" with that she paddled off with the help of Robin's Devil fruit powers.

"Yes ma'am!" I saluted.


        "Okay, we got a race to win." I declared, Zoro nodded and we sat in our spots. As I started turning the crank Zoro stopped and turned around. A mischievous aura surrounded him.

        "Oi, Miki?" He called.

        "Y-yes?" He smiled, I shivered, because for a second he looked like a demon.

        "Later." and with that he pro ceded to oar. That word was filled with promise that I didn't want to be on the end of. I really regreted starting that fight with Zoro.

        An irritated Zoro was funny, but I was amazed by what he had done, I mean he just propelled a whole bunch of explosive barrels and sent them back. Though I won’t ever admit this to anybody, but I respect this man a little more now.

        “Stop staring.” Zoro snapped.

         “I’m not staring!” I replied back. I glared at him, he did't need to be such a dick though.

        “Whatever, let’s just get to the race.” He said coldly.

        “Aye-Sir!” I saluted. Zoro rolled his eyes. I started turning the crank that I attached to turn the propeller, which started to turn rapidly, but what I failed to see was the little barrel that came closer and closer to the propellers and then BOOM! We were blown away, violently while chunks of my hard work were blown to smithereens. My body crashed in to the cold water and I felt it sink, quickly not wasting anytime I have (a minute) I kicked upwards towards the surface, but no matter how much I kicked the surface seemed so far.

        I knew I only had at least fifteen seconds left. I kicked harder …8, I was starting to panic …6, and then the water felt a little warmer. I concluded that was a good thing, because that meant I was getting closer to the surface. 3, …2, my face broke through the surface, but my time was up, so just as I was going get a mouth full of air, all I got was a mouthful of salty sea water.

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