Chapter Six: I tease Zoro!

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Chapter Six: I tease Zoro!

Miki: Jeez! It took you long enough!

Me: I know I'm sorry...

Miki: Well Sorry ain't gonna cut it! You left you readers with a horrible ending! And you haven't updated for months!!!!

Me: I Know....(Sinking intip a deeper Depression)

Miki: And Not even that...

Me: Maybe I should just go into the corner and just die...(Everyone steps back because my aura is just too dark)

Luffy: *smacks me on the head* Don't do that, then your fans will be sad and then whose going to feed me in your story!!!

Me: (Anime Vein) THAT'S WHAT YOUR WORRIED ABOUT! *Punches Luffy * Argg!

Sanji, Zoro, Miki, and Nami: *holds Me back* Calm Down!!

Miki: Chocolatluver does not own One Piece, it belongs to it's creator! I only Belong to her.

Nami: Geez Miki, I didn't know you were an M...


   “Hey! Mr. Games Official!” I yelled, “I’ve got a question regarding the rules!”

        “Yes, go ahead and ask.” He replied back.

        “The rules say that you can only use the barrels and the oars to construct the boat, so attaching things to the boat, like a shark or something is okay?" I asked pointing a the star shark.

        “There are no rules against that!” He said cheerfully. I smiled, my plan might actually work, my plan to get back at Zoro that is. I smiled even more.

        “Oi, Miki,” Zoro said nervously, “are you alright, you have that really creepy smile on your face again."

        “Oh I’m fine, absolutely fine.” I looked at him, and he took a step back, but he almost fell out due to the fact that there wasn't enough room.

        "What are you looking at?" He asked cautiously with his hand on his swords.

        "I just need to do something. If you could please step closer." I asked, still smiling. Zoro hesitated, I rolled my eyes. "I'm not gonna bite, I just need to do something, and I can't do it if you're on the other side of the boat."

        "What are you going to  do?" He replied, not fully trusting me.

        "That's for me to know and you to find out, no come here!" Reluctantly he came closer, as soon as he was within arms reach, I tackled him to the ground.

        "Oof, what the hell are you doing?" He asked, regretting the fact that he trusted me. I straddled him, and faintly I could see a hint of pink on his cheeks.

        " Are you blushing?" I asked, mockingly.

        "N...No!" he replied, embarrassed.

Long Lost: A One Piece fanfiction (a zoro lovestory)Where stories live. Discover now