ch.1: The Council

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The Ancient Heroes, Warriors of the Earthbread, held a council in Vanilla Kingdom. Crow's nest inn now is full of guests, the skies glittering with Golden Cheese powder, Vanilla Orchids and White Lilies are blooming together.

"What a good day to take a walk!" Pure Vanilla Cookie trying to walk among the White Lilies in the White Lily's Greenhouse. The silence of the Greenhouse makes Pure Vanilla Cookie finds peace in his heart.

Suddenly, Dark Cacao Cookie and White Lily Cookie enter the Greenhouse. They says that the council will starts soon, Pure Vanilla Cookie turn around and holding their hand.

"The Council is want to start? Okay, let's go to the Council hall, my friends!" Filled with his laughter, they leaving the Greenhouse. Those Lilies scents still following them until they're arrived on the Solarium of Unity.

"Pure Vanilla Cookie! I've been awaiting your arrival! Come here, Gimme a hug, will ya~~?!"

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"Pure Vanilla Cookie! I've been awaiting your arrival! Come here, Gimme a hug, will ya~~?!"

"Ho-Hollyberry Cookie, your hu-hug is tight as e-ever--!"

"Can you start the council now, Pure Vanilla Cookie? We're heading to Council hall."

"Oh, oh, alright White Lily Cookie! I'll begin the Council soon!" Pure Vanilla Cookie seems running to the council hall, and began the first Council meeting of the five Ancient Heroes.

"Oh, oh, alright White Lily Cookie! I'll begin the Council soon!" Pure Vanilla Cookie seems running to the council hall, and began the first Council meeting of the five Ancient Heroes

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"Hello, and welcome to the first Council meeting here in the Vanilla Kingdom. I would like to thank my dear friend, the Ancient Heroes. And so, let us begin."

The Council seems had a smooth discussion about Dark Enchantress Cookie and her schemes of taking over Earthbread. Until an accident appears on the Vanilla Kingdom, White Lily Cookie suddenly fainting in the middle of discussion. And then, an Earthquake shake it's land, the Vanilla Castle crumbling apart. Dark Cacao Cookie taking care of White Lily Cookie until she's wake up after fainting.

"Can't you see that your dear friend is fainting? If you would like to leave, LEAVE NOW! I'll be alright with her

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"Can't you see that your dear friend is fainting? If you would like to leave, LEAVE NOW! I'll be alright with her..."

"And you just. SAID. THAT WE MUST LEAVE YOU TWO?? *Sigh. Listen, I know she's fainting BUT you MUST save from this so called "Earthquake"! She wasn't REALLY IMPORTANT COOKIE in this world, leave her..."


"Yes, and what..? Ya wanted to sliced my body just like your son wanted to do? I WON'T DO THIS IF THE COOKIES DON'T EVEN NEED Y-"

"That's ENOUGH!"

"... Pure Vanilla Cookie..?"

"My dear friends, please. Sometimes we need to sacrifice ourselves nor themselves, Dark Cacao Cookie said was right, we need to leave this castle at once. This is for the better future." With heavy heart, the other Ancients leave them.

An Earthquake shake was stopped, all guests and Raisin's villagers are fully evacuated. The Vanilla Castle was destroyed, only the fragments of White Lily Cookie and Dark Cacao Cookie Soul jam be discovered so far.

Not even an iota¹ strawberry jam made an appearance, this is a clue that two other heroes was saved from that accident. However, even they're still saved but the Soul Jam fragments was scattered.

Earthbread now covered in endless snow, the cookies warm smiles now is only an echos. Cycle of life now get interrupted, an unusual flow of Life Energy made an appearance.

"Frost Queen Cookie! Are you sure that I need brought these Cookies?! They're the Ancient Heroes, they have nothing to do with this!"

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"Frost Queen Cookie! Are you sure that I need brought these Cookies?! They're the Ancient Heroes, they have nothing to do with this!"

"Cycle of life is interrupted now, only they can help us with their powers, Sherbet Cookie."


To be continued...

¹. Iota ( Ι, ι )= the ninth letter and the smallest letter in Greek alphabetical (also translated as "extremely small amount").

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