ch.3: Fallen of Dark Cacao Kingdom

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*At the Dark Cacao Kingdom

"Did you seen His Majesty recently? The throne is empty and we cannot let anyone to claim this castle!"

"Last I saw, he went to Vanilla Kingdom to discuss something in the Council meeting. But after the accident on Vanilla Kingdom, he never return again." Crunchy Chip Cookie explained.

"Err... Crunchy Chip Cookie... Your Cream Wolf is heading to Office r-"

"E-Eh!? OI CREAM WOLF, CAN'T YOU JUST SIT DOWN RIGHT THERE!!?? Ugh, full of curiosity as always..."

Crunchy Chip Cookie and Caramel Arrow Cookie heading to Dark Cacao Cookie's Office room, it's clean and tidy with not a single scratch on it's room. The Cream Wolf lick on a table, with a photo of Dark Cacao Cookie and his son, Dark Choco Cookie. There is also some Cocoa Beans and Cacao flowers besides the photo.

"Crunchy Chip Cookie, look! Your Cream Wolf is here, licking this table

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"Crunchy Chip Cookie, look! Your Cream Wolf is here, licking this table. I wonder what it is doing on this tab-
Wait, Is that... A Royal Family photo?"

"Uhm, Caramel Arrow Cookie...? Are you okay..? You look worrying about His Majesty after picking up that photo frame..."

"Ah, it's alright Crunchy Chip Cookie! Let's hurry up and find His Majesty quickly!"


"First Watcher, We need your help! We cannot hold the Monsters of the Licorice Sea again! They're.. too vicious than yesterday!"


"First Watcher, did you see Elderberry Flower Cookie, The Third Watcher? If she's here, she maybe can help us!"

"She's on the way of searching His Majesty, she will return soon."

"엘더베리 꽃 쿠키... Hope your mission was successful."

"We have no time... Watchers, at the ready!"

"I will handle this tower, Commander! Do not let it smash the wall!"

"The weather is harsher than ever! I'm worry that we can't protect the great wall, even His Majesty wasn't return yet."

"Don't says like THAT! Our ancestors spirit will help us to protect these walls!"

"We.. ARGH, CAN'T!!"

"This unusual weather and the Licorice Monsters, something will happen to the Citadel!"

"First Watcher! Can you check inside the Citadel!?"

"What!? But the Licorice Sea monsters..?"

"Ugh, we will handle it in any WAY!"

And then, Caramel Arrow Cookie enter the Citadel hall. The ground is shaking more and more strong, the floor started to cracked and the Citadel is going to fall down.
When Caramel Arrow Cookie tried to exit the Citadel hall, she saw someone sitting in office room in front of a table that Crunchy Chip Cookie's Cream Wolf lick to it.

The aroma was so familiar, and he used a Hanbok¹. It have some colors that really match to Dark Cacao Cookie.

"Wait, Could it be... His Majesty?" Caramel Arrow Cookie wants to follows him, but the Citadel floor was cracked and she cannot reach him.

"Ugh, I... Must... Get out... Of HERE! AAAAHHHH" Caramel Arrow Cookie fall into a big hole,

"is it.. the end of this kingdom..?"

..[ √\/°~★~°√\/ ]..

"If I don't choose this mission, i could relax even for a while! No, no, I, Elderberry Flower Cookie, must find my king or.. whatever."

Elderberry Flower Cookie walks into a forest near snowfall village, it was full of Frozen Birch Trees and Glacial Thorns. And suddenly, she's follows a Frost Spirit into a silent ice castle and meet Sherbet Cookie.

"A frost castle? How did... E-Eh!? Oi ice creature, wait for me!" She running more and more deep inside the castle, following wherever he goes.

Sherbet Cookie stopped at a room, and then Elderberry Flower Cookie ask him.

"Are you... A Frost Spirit?? And who is in your back..? Wait-" Elderberry Flower Cookie gasps,
"M-my king?? I-I... SOWWY!! I couldn't protect your majesty, IM SORRY!!" Elderberry Flower Cookie bows at him.

"엘더베리 꽃 쿠키... it's alright, I just... worrying what just happened on our Kingdom..." Dark Cacao Cookie patting Elderberry Flower Cookie when she's bowing to him, while she's trying to hold back her tears.

"Elderberry Flower Cookie? You're one of the Dark Cacao warriors, right?" Elderberry Flower Cookie nod at Sherbet Cookie, "So... Is it true that your Kingdom is finally fallen?" Sherbet Cookie continue his question.


"Elderberry Flower Cookie... That was true. Our Kingdom is fallen, my Soul Jam is also shattered. The Citadel burned into ashes, and... The Dark Cacao warriors also retreating.

I cannot help them to protect our Kingdom, our home... I realized now, I should listen to Golden Cheese Cookie's words, I shouldn't have to protect White Lily Cookie, I'm such a foolish king..."

"Your Majesty! Don't says like that! We're both failed to protect our dearest, but it doesn't mean that you're a foolish king! You're a hero, for our Kingdom and for Earthbread. We-"


A Cookie scream echoing through the room, perhaps it was only cold winds...

"No, no... NO! THIS ISN'T OUR FATE! Dark Cacao Cookie and I aren't destined to live in this suffering!"

Their conversation stopped for a while, that sounds like White Lily Cookie voice. Something happened to White Lily Cookie. Sherbet Cookie checking the other room, the room where's White Lily Cookie trapped.

 Sherbet Cookie checking the other room, the room where's White Lily Cookie trapped

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"White Lily Cookie! What happened to you!!??""

..[ √\/°~★~°√\/ ]..

To be continued...


1. Hanbok (한복): Hanbok is the traditional attire of the Korean people. Nowadays, it is only worn on special occasions or anniversaries. It is a formal wear and many Koreans keep a hanbok for such occasions and events such as weddings, festivals, celebrations, and ceremonies. ( with adjustments)

(Korean sentences all translated by "Google Translate". If there is a sentence error in Korean, you can comment below as a suggestion for this story!)

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