Truth or dare- Marauderseraxreader

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"Oh fuck, this is so tight!" Peter squeezed his way in.

"Fuck me!" James exclaimed

"This is incredible!" Sirius shouted out

"You three should really hear the words you say." Y/N said flatly, She stood back and watched as her best friends made their way into her enchanted suitcase her grandfather left her, which when you entered, turned into a flat.

"So this is where you sneak off to at night, y/n?" James questioned.

"Yeah I have a hard time sleeping in my new flat. Mooney has me up all night with his relentless record playing and journaling."

The marauders were freshly graduated, finding places of their own, and Y/n finally decided to show them her secret. She knew that the boys would have used it for all sorts of mischief if they were aware of it during their formative years.

"Why are you showing us this now? You know how useful this would have been back at Hogwarts?" Sirius asked, annoyed.

"That's why, Padfoot." You guys would have abused it."

The group spent a good hour exploring Y/n's magic suitcase, then they all curled up on the couch to watch a movie. Peter was on the loveseat, Remus was sat on the couch, his legs open, with Sirius sat on the floor between them, and James and Y/n were on the long part of the couch, under a blanket.

"Wanna get high? Peter asked after about 30 minutes of silence."

"I thought you'd never ask" Remus sat up, suddenly, as if he was pulled from a trance.

Peter pulled out a joint from his hoodie pocket, as Y/n jumped over the back of the couch, rushing into her room. "I just bought this new bong and I haven't tried it out yet!" She came rushing back into the living room.

They all passed her new bong around, getting stoned out of their mind. "That Frank Longbottom sure has a green thumb." Sirius giggled out, a cloud settling above the group.

Y/n had one other secret the boys didn't know about, which was about to be revealed.

"Lets play truth or dare!" She blurted out. Looking to Peter, "Truth of Dare." she slurred out.


"If you could kiss one professor at Hogwarts, who would it be?" Y/n asked, seductivly.

"Oh um, I don't know." Peters face began to turn red. "Maybe Mcgonagall." He laughed out." " She'll eat you alive!" James cried out." "Is it a predator and prey thing?" Remus howled with laughter.

After the rest of the Marauders finished laughing at Wormy for his answer, they kept playing, the questions getting raunchier as they got higher, when Sirius asked, "Y/n, truth, or dare?"

"Dare! she shrieked, wearing James' clothes as he sat there in just his boxers.

"I dare you to make out with one of us for a whole minute." He laughed as he grabbed a coin out of his pocket. " Heads me, tails, Mooney." He flipped it as they all watched with their mouths agape. " Tails. "Okay tails Mooney, heads James." Tails. "Heads Peter." Tails again.

Y/n and Remus looked at each other, then at Sirius, then back at each other. "Get over there lover!" Sirius patted Remus on the back, and he got up and stood behind the couch, Y/n standing on the cushions, so they were equal height. She grabbed his cheeks, feeling how hot they were, and leaned in. They kissed carefully for a few seconds, but as the time went on, they got more into it, Remus wrapping his arms around the small of her back, and Y/n tugging on the nape of his neck. When the minute ended, they pulled away, cheeks flushed and lips puffy. Y/n sat back down on the couch, her legs wobbly from standing on the unstable cushions, and cause Remus was a really good kisser.

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