The prank- Jamesxreader

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Part 1
Y/N was nervous, she had never been this far into the forbidden forest before. Let alone at night. Let alone, ALONE. "Guys, this isn't fun anymore." She called out, but no one answered. She was alone. In a forbidden forest. Way past midnight. Pranking Snevillus was not worth this terrifying walk in the woods.

Her candle had gone dim and James had this stupid rule of no wands while sneaking around , which Peter thought was dangerous, and y/n agreed. Why cant we have our wands?

After what felt like hours, but couldn't have been more than a few minutes, she finally found the mushrooms Sirius knew about. She gathered as many as she could, knowing the boys were bound to mess up the first potion, and high tailed out of there. Remus was the first one to greet her as she ran out from the cascading shadows of trees into the moonlit valley the castle sat. "Merlin, y/n. Its just a forest!" Sirius laughed, trotting close behind. "If its just a forest, then you go in there next time!" She huffed out, chucking a bright green mushroom at his head. Remus took her under his arm and they quickly covered themselves with James' invisibility cloak, and rushed their way through the castle and into the Gryffindor common room.

Shrugging off the cloak, y/n breathed her first breath of fresh, not boy stenched, air. Peter shrieked at the sight, clearly unaware of their entrance to the red and gold littered room. James just shushed him and took the pile of mushrooms y/n was holding, dicing up half of them and tossing them into a gurgling cauldron. "Will this really work?" Sirius asked Remus, doubt in his voice. Remus just pulled him to his side, kissed his forehead "time will tell, paddy."

Came lunch in the great hall. All the houses were allowed mingle and sit at any table, but all had to be there. James came in first. Scanning the area and taking a center table to ensure Snape would sit in of the far corners, perfect view. Then, Sirius came and sat at the far left corner table. Severus wouldn't be caught dead sitting near a Gryffindor thats not Lily. Remus came and sat right of the Entrance, opposite end of the Great hall from Sirius, with a clear view of James.

Y/N hated her role. Flirt. Sure she was cute, but why did she have to do it? She never wanted to be caught dead even conversing with Snivillus, let alone flirt with him! But James had made up his mind. As Severus entered the Great hall, looking left, right and center, finding no good spot to sit and enjoy his lunch, y/n appeared from his left. "Whacha got there?" She leaned over his tray of food. "Nothing. Why?" He nasally exclaimed. "Smells delicious!" She forced out a smiled, and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Oh?" He questioned. Y/N could hear the boys giggling to them selves all around her. "Oh what, Sniv- Severus" She caught herself. She picked up his cup of some sort of juice, and took a sip, allowing some to drip down her chin. "Oops" She whispered, wiping the pink liquid away with her thumb.

As Severus was watching y/n, mouth agape, Peter shifted into his plump rat form, scurrying out from Sirius' robe sleeve and ran over to the unlikely pairing in the doorway, dropping a few drops of their concoction onto the fork sitting atop the tray, rushing to Remus before he was caught.

"Well, got to go. Goodbye Snevillus!" She laughed out, tapping lovingly on the tray of food, and marched herself confidently over to James, as the other boys quickly followed. Peter came into the Hall a minute later, looking sea sick as he always does after switching so quickly. They gathered around eachother to watch what was going to happen.

"Uh, foxy?" Sirus questioned. "What?" y/n barked back, annoyed! "Tell me, hon. Why is it that-"

"HOLY SHIT! y/n, your hair is turning green!!" Remus whisper yelled at her

Oh no.

"Peter, What the fuck did you do!" James yelled. "Uh, Uh, Uh." Is all he could get out.

"I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO MESS UP! WHY THE FUCK IS MY HAIR GREEN!" She yelled, throwing her cloak over her head, and rushing out of the Great hall, and to the Common room. Hearing a nasally, shrieky cry she knew all too well, but had to get out of there a s a p.

James entered the room a few moments later. Y/N was sitting in front of the fire place, cloak still over her head, which was buried in her knees. "Come on, I'm sure it was an accident." She looked up at him, and saw his goofy smile. "Now lets go up to my room and see if theres a reversal spell." He extended his hand, and she reluctantly took it, allowing herself to be pulled up from the big red sofa.

James led her up the stairs to the 6th year floor, and into his, Sirius', Remus' and Peter's dorm room, which shes been in a multitude of times, just never with just James. Its not like she didn't want to be alone with James, they just never got the opportunity. And she didn't know if she would spring on the opportunity if it did arise. She saw how James looked at her when he thought she couldn't see. His blush he tried so desperately to hide when she said his name, and the occasional graze of his pinky on hers when they we're getting up to something they shouldn't be. And she liked it. She liked the way she felt about James, and it scared her. They were all best friends. Yeah Remus and Sirius were together, but they were destined for it since the beginning. But her and James. No way. They're supposed to be friends. Just friends.

James sat her at the edge of his bed as he grabbed his spell book from his trunk. Sitting in the red papasan chair in the corner of the room, he flipped through it, begrudgingly, trying to find an answer to her silly problem. "Hmm, foxy. This seems like a tough one." He chimed out, glancing up at her with his chocolate eyes, that glowed like honey in the sun. Turning the page, he stood up quickly and grabbed his wand from his back pocket. "Sit still! It says if you move even the tiniest bit, you will turn green head to toe." She looked up at him in shock. "I think I'll wait for Moony then, thanks!" He laughed at her flustered look. "I'm just fucking with you, y/n. But seriously. Sit still. potiosana" He exclaimed, pointing his wand at her, making a semi-circle.

"Did it work?" She asked, opening her eyes once the bright flash of light was gone. James was now standing impossibly close to her, one hand holding her once again y/h/c locks, smiling down at her, as she blushed up at him. "Yes?" she questioned, laughing.
"Just like new, Foxy. Beautiful once again." Her laugh got caught in her throat at his words. Beautiful. James took another step closer to her, causing her legs to fall open to make way for his strong thighs between hers. He kept his hand in her hair, bringing it higher up, to cup the back of her neck, making her crane her neck to maintain eye contact. "Beautiful?" She asked, her now at a shaky whisper. "So beautiful" He replied, with a low tone, yet with confidence.

"Yes James?"
"Can I kiss you?"

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