Chapter 10- An Itty Bitty Crush

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It was night before we reached the Avengers Tower. I gripped Pietro's hand as we raced to the lift, by the time we made an entrance to the lab.

"...the next three minutes."

"I'm gonna say this once...-!" Steve said, a little annoyed. "How about nonce?" Tony sarcastically pointed out. I held onto Pietro's hand tighter, he simply intertwined our fingers making my heart flutter in my chest. "Shut it down!"

"Nope, not gonna happen." Tony countered, continuing what he was doing.

I went to step up with Tony, lightly squeezing Pietro's hand and smiling reassuringly him. "Tony, you don't know what your doing-" I tried to explain.

Bruce stopped working. "And you do." He looked over myself and Steve and then to Wanda. "Is she not in your head?" He accused, jabbing a finger in her direction.

"I know your angry-" Wanda tried to explain. "Oh we're way pass that." He glared, "I could chock the life out of you and never change a shade."

"Banner after everything that's happened-" Steve started but was interrupted by Tony, of course. "It's nothing compared to what's coming." The room became filled with peoples voices. My head ached, "JUST SHUT UP!"

No one noticed me as I covered my ears, I was really sensitive when people argued or yelled. It was because of the accident, I've only told Nat and she's the only one who knew to never to shout. I could deal with a battle field full of gun fire but the intimacy of an argument. Let's not go there.

Luckily, Pietro noticed and placed a hand on my back. "It's okay. One moment." I nodded, catching my breath. He quickly turned and in a blink my eye, he had used his speed to remove the cables that were attached to the metal container that held the host for Ultron. He threw the last cable that was lit up with visible electricity. "No, no go on." Tony's face was shocked until his lips into a straight line. "What were you saying?"

A moment of silence was short lived, when a loud shot cut through the air. It all happened so quick, Pietro fell through the glass floor. I rushed over t the hole in the floor. Clint was looking down at him, "What you didn't see that coming?"

"Pietro are you okay?" I called desperately. He looked up, he's eyes softening as they met mine. "Yes!" I let out a sigh of relief. To be honest, I didn't know why these emotions made me panic for Pietro's safety, it was like a echoing alarm in my head wanted me to know something that my heart knew. My inner turmoil was interrupted by the beeping of Tony's machine.

Tony rushed around trying to fix the powers critical loss but Steve's face seemed to not like that idea. He threw his shield hitting the equipment causing sparks to fly. Tony quickly signalled his metal glove, firing it at Steve with no consequence. Steve flew back hitting the floor.

As Tony's suit surrounded him a fight broke out. Wanda was grabbed by Bruce, I sent a small, non-fatal pulse of heat toward him freeing Wanda. Tony and Steve had threw themselves everywhere breaking a window in the process. The fight only lasted about ten seconds before the Asgardian God who had been missing stood on top of the metal box. He lifted his hammer in the air, channelling lightening through his weapon.

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