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"𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒐𝒌𝒂𝒚

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"𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒆, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒃𝒆 𝒐𝒌𝒂𝒚."

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Note: Overdosing will be discussed in this chapter; those who find the subject uncomfortable may skip it.

[10:00 pm]

Author's Pov

Later that night, Sunghoon was finally back home. Though it doesn't feel like home because Yebin isn't there, a house without Yebin no longer feels like home. Sunghoon feels depressed. Everything returned to zero the instant he set foot inside the house. He felt incredibly paranoid as he thought back on the incident from earlier. He truly believed it was you.

His thoughts are returning to Yebin once more. Their laughter, which had previously filled the home, was suddenly filled with silence. The silence was deafening Sunghoon. The darkness and utter silence became intolerable to him.

The tears that had been itching to escape from his eyes poured forth like a river. He went to your shared bedroom and locked himself in there once more. He couldn't take the torture any longer. He got to his feet and reached for the nightstand cabinet. He took the medicine that was there and carelessly swallowed a large amount of it. For a while, he just wanted to forget about everything that had been going on.

Sunghoon's phone was ringing nonstop, but he didn't have the energy to pick up the call. His entire body is numb. "Help me," Sunghoon's last words before collapsing unconscious on the floor. He is alone in the house; no one else is with him. His situation was hopeless.

As if God understands how desperately he needs help right now. Someone had knocked on the door.

Heeseung's Pov

I kept knocking on Sunghoon's door, but he wouldn't answer. I tried calling him as well, but he didn't pick up. As far as I know, he has returned home. I started to get increasingly worried as the minutes went by. But then I recalled that Sunghoon and Yebin used to hide their house keys under the vase next to the door. Consequently, I went to see if they were still hiding the keys, and, much to my surprise, I found the extra key they had.

I hurriedly unlocked the door and was greeted by darkness as soon as I opened it. The house is extremely quiet and dark. Maybe he was in his bedroom I thought. I entered Sunghoon's house quietly, hoping not to wake him if he was sleeping.

I made the decision to head upstairs to make sure he was actually in his bedroom and sleeping. I crept up the stairs until I was at their bedroom door. I was going to knock on the door when I realized it was slightly ajar. When I entered the room, I was met by Sunghoon's lifeless body on the floor.

I hastily walked over to his side to see if he was still breathing, and to my relief, he was still breathing, but it was weak. I quickly dialed 911 and then contacted the boys. I can't handle this on my own; this incident has left me shaken. Who would ever want to witness a friend lying lifeless on the ground?

Author's Pov

Soon after, ambulance sirens can be heard outside the house. Personnel entered the home promptly and brought Sunghoon's lifeless body to the hospital bed. They needed to determine what caused Sunghoon to become unconscious so suddenly. The nurse gave Heeseung reassurance that his friend would be alright. Stress was evident on Heeseung's face as he just nodded.

Heeseung was in the ambulance with Sunghoon and the nurse. The nurse is supporting Sunghoon in maintaining normal breathing. Heeseung hasn't called Sunghoon's parents because he doesn't want them to panic and become overly concerned.

They had finally arrived at the hospital after what seemed like an eternity. The boys were already there. Heeseung told them to head straight to the hospital so that they wouldn't have to drive for too long. Sunghoon is rushed to the emergency department by the nurses, who have instructed the boys to wait outside.

The clock struck at 12 a.m., and the doctor finally came out of the emergency room. The boys were quick to stand from their seats and approach the doctor with worried faces. The older was quick to approach the doctor and ask about Sunghoon.

"His breathing is great, but his health is not good. I presume he hadn't eaten for days, which made his body weak and to add to that, he had taken a lot of medicine, which made his health worse. He may not be awake by now; it may take him days to be awake, but let's just pray for a miracle. He'll be alright," the doctor said as he patted Heeseung's shoulder.

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