Slane and Meila always seem like the happiest couple amongst others but some things are kept in the dark.
They're not the only ones suffering from miscommunication and other underlying issues.
Their fri...
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It was still night and he was waiting at the door for his fiancé. He planned to take her to dinner at their favorite spot Lenni's Seafood Diner. It's where they first met, a sentimental gesture. Tuning himself back into the real world he saw that Meila's fit she was sporting for the day had her looking even more breathtaking than before.
Clearing his throat he began," You ready to go my love?". He opened the front door letting her lead the way to the car. Before she could open her door he put his hand out opening it for her and allowing her to step inside on the passenger side. "Now you know it's my job love". "I know but it doesn't mean I'll ever get used to not being independent".
Once they made it to the diner they sat in their usual spot in the back corner. Slane already knew what he wanted to eat since he knew this place very well. His mother used to bring him as a kid before she passed and this was something he would soon share with Melia and their unborn someday. "You're very picky Mei, so you decide while I go use the restroom," he said getting up from his seat.
As Slane finally finished pissing he was startled by Melia storming into the restroom looking furious. She was holding his phone up with his messages showing. "Who is this hmm"? Melia asked low and calmly.
They could both see that it was a number with no contact but he was engaging in a conversation with another woman. Someone to who he wasn't engaged. Staring at her, he was trying to find the words to say to Melia. She sized him up before saying," You disgust me. No wonder you've been off". They stared at each other once more before Slane tried to utter a word. "Melia I'm sorry..,".
"Save it. Just take me home" she said just before exiting the restroom. On the ride home it was nothing but pure silence. Slane looked over at Melia only to see she was in the same position she was when they left the diner, facing the window. She made sure to not be an inch close to Slane as much as she could.
When they got inside Slane tried to walk over toward Melia but she instantly went to their bathroom. Slane didn't know what to say to her or what to do. He already made a mess and he wasn't sure if there would be any coming back from this if he told her the truth. He wanted to end the connection but Melia found out before he could do anything.
As he sat at the edge of their bed he saw the bathroom door swing open and Melia was standing there with an even angrier look than before. "Who the fuck is it Slane? Fucking tell me. You already did what you knew was wrong so you're not sorry,". She waited for him to say something, anything. Melia needed her to answer badly.
"You don't know her Mei so it wouldn't matter if I said who it was but I'm deeply sorry", he said as he tried to grab her hands. She swatted his hands away moving from standing in front of him and backed away slowly. She didn't want to hear the insincerity in his voice.
" Move. How long have you been fucking her? I know you're not just cup-caking it on the phone with some broad so how long have you been fucking her ?", she asked causing Slane to avert his attention from the floor back to her. Slane felt as if his tongue was swiped right out of his mouth. "Mei-". " How fucking long Slane !, " her voice boomed throughout their room. This time louder than ever. What was once soft beautiful brown eyes were now filled with sadness and anger.
" A year", Slane said ashamed. "A Yea...., she said pausing. " Wow you're real fucking disrespectful you know that? I'm fucking leaving. I'm not going to sit here and listen to more bullshit that I don't deserve... Hell anybody deserves".
Before she could leave he stopped her in her tracks in front of the door pulling her close to him. "Please Mei. I was ending it right before you found out. I only want you ". She looked at him with eyes full of tears and began pushing him with all her strength. She kept hitting him over and over hoping it wouldn't hurt any less than it already did.
Before she could say anything he kissed her causing her to moan. "I. Love. You", he said against her lips repeatedly. Stepping back to the couch he placed her on her stomach. "Slane no. We can't".
And before she knew it her dress was up, her legs were spread, and he was devouring her causing her mouth to open as her eyes rolled back. "Ahhh". "Shhh just relax", his lips said against her other set. Whether Melia liked it or not he always had power over her body. He was sending her body into overdrive causing her to jerk before painting his face. She stared at him hungrily as he searched in her eyes for the love that shared. Slane wanted to be sure it was still there.
She was now on top riding him as her head was thrown back with her mouth slightly parted. Slane had one hand on her neck and the other gripping her waist as he watched their bodies collide and the sweat glisten from each other. Before Melia could bounce one more time Slane flipped her onto her back. Making sure to go slowly and filling her up with every inch of him.
They both felt pleasure that night but what Slane didn't know was the mind continues to wonder even if you've settled it for a little bit.
____________________________________ Who do you think Slane was texting and why won't he tell her?
Melia was ready to throw down huh?
You think our girl Melia is gonna just give in so easily?