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Tuesday, July 21

Sabrina slowly woke up in her hospital bed. She opened her eyes but immediately squeezed them back closed. The brightness of the lights were too much. She slowly opened them back feeling groggy.

"Sabrina," she heard Amir's voice. Then she felt his hand on hers. She tried to move but her entire body felt unbearably heavy. "Can you hear me, baby?"

Then she heard the voice of an unknown woman, "It may take a couple of hours before she can move comfortably. We're going to take her off the ventilator and then give her some time to come to." The person explained.

Sabrina's eyes opened and closed slowly trying to gain focus. She felt like she'd been sleeping for days.

Amir stared tensely as the nurse removed Sabrina's breathing tube. It was one of the worst things he'd ever witnessed in his 24 years of life.

"You're going to have some soreness, sweetie," the nurse told her. "Doctor will be in shortly." She'd told them on the way out.

Amir approached Sabrina's bed again, she seemed to be more aware now. She looked at him silently as tears streamed down her face.

"Are you in any pain?" He talked, lowly, holding her hand.

She closed her eyes and slowly shook her head, no.

"Do you remember what happened?"

She shook, no again.

"Do you feel like you can talk?"

She moved her hand to her throat, and spoke, gruffly, "Yes." She reached her hand up and touched her bandaged head.

"I'm so sorry, baby." He said watching her, closely.

A knock on the door made Amir finally look away. It was the doctor. He came inside the room and walked over to Sabrina, "Good morning, Mrs. Lewis, I'm Dr. Brooks. How are you feeling?"

She groaned, "I don't know." Holding her hand to her neck. It was uncomfortable to speak.

"I'll have the nurse get you some water here in a second. Are you able to remember anything that happened to you?"

She shook her head, no.

"Okay, that's understandable. What's the last date you remember?"

"July... I'm not sure."

"Some memory loss is expected. Nothing to be alarmed about, it may come to you in a few days, maybe a few weeks." He stood down next to her bed, opposite Amir, "So, Sabrina, you suffered a traumatic brain injury. This caused some bleeding on the brain. We had to perform a procedure where released the fluid because it was putting pressure on your brain causing you to have seizures once you arrived."

He paused so she could take everything he was saying in. Once she saw she was still listening, he continued, "So far everything looks good. There are some side effects of such an injury but everyone is not the same, so I'm not gonna assume any of those things will happen to you, but we're gonna have you here for a few more days, and in that time I need you to tell us if you're experiencing anything like dizziness, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, or slurred speech. We won't say too much on headaches because that's something that will subside with time."

"Ok." She said flatly.

The nurse came in and he asked her to get Sabrina water while he put on some gloves.  "Sabrina, I'm going to take a quick peek at your incision, make sure everything is healing properly." He came over and began unwrapping her head.

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