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Wednesday, Feb 5

"What you do today, miss lady?" Amir asked over the phone as he walked through the airport. He had Sabrina in his AirPods as he sat down in the pickup area for his Uber Black. The notification on his phone announced it would be there shortly.

"Prepared for a couple of meetings in the morning and then two open houses." She set her laptop aside and asked, "How was your flight?

"Not bad. I slept most of it. What you on this weekend, you got time for me?"

"Do you even have free time, superstar?"

"I'll always have time for you."

The statement made Sabrina feel something deep inside. "Okay." Was all she could say.

"You should come watch me play sometime... in person of course."

"You want me to go to a game?" She asked, in surprise.

"Yeah. Somebody gon use these tickets. They got a whole lounge for yaw, free food included."

Sabrina smiled, "I'll think about it."

"Preciate it." He said as he climbed in the back of a black Escalade. Once he was comfortably seated, he asked, "How was lil man's party?"

"It was..." Sabrina hesitated, "it was good."

"Tell me about it." He instantly picked up on the delay.

"It was great, at first. My son's father just keeps some interesting women in his life. I don't know... I just feel like there's a time and a place."

"His deddy brought a chick to the birthday party?"

"He said he didn't know the girl was coming. We hosted it at his house, so maybe she did just showed up. But either way, he needs to have better control of his situations." She vented.

"I can see how that could get messy. Did Niko enjoy himself?"

"Thankfully yes. He was asleep when she started actin up, so we went home."

"That's good. It would suck for that to be a core memory."

"Ugh, could you imagine?" She laughed.

Amir chuckled, "My momma whooped this lady ass at my birthday party." He said causing Sabrina to cackle at his impression of a child's voice. "Aight, ma. I'm almost to the crib, so imma get in and take this shower. Can I FaceTime you after?"

"Yeah." She grinned as she answered. She was surprised at the way he stayed on the phone with her through the airport and on the car ride home. She liked it.

"I'll hit you in like, 45."

"Make it 30 and we have a deal."

"Shiit, we can stay on the phone now if that's what you want."

Sabrina laughed, "Get settled in, and call me whenever you're done. I'll answer."

"Bet." He said before ending the call.

Sabrina jumped out of bed and ran into the closet to find something else to wear on FaceTime. She took off one of her usual big t-shirts and put on a tank top and sleep shorts and was gonna put her robe over it, but realized her sister took her robe home last time she spent the night.

Then she went into the bathroom to take off her bonnet and brush down her hair. She ripped her pore strips off her face and added moisturizer before going to check on Niko one last time to make sure he was still sound asleep.

She poured herself a glass of wine and dimmed her bedroom lights getting comfortable in the large bed. She couldn't believe she found herself excited for a FaceTime call. She'd only talked on the phone with Amir three times since Kirk's party. She wanted to talk to him more, but didn't want to tell him that.

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