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Mayan was better now. Aanya and him would spend nights thinking about how to get Maira tell the truth. Maira was never evil, she loved her family and Anya too. Supported her friends, studied hard and was the obedient kid every father wants. But then came Jay and everything changed.

1 year ago:

Jay and his family came up with a proposition for Maira's marriage and Maira started liking the idea of having her friend as husband, Jay. She had never been in a relationship coz her father was strict so Jay was someone she dreamt about having forever and ever. But Jay started liking Aanya but Anya declined coz it sounded so wrong to her in every way. 

Jay was heartbroken and wanted to go abroad for his studies but Maira talked to Anya one night and told her that it could be her chance at happiness. The heart wants what it wants and Jay wanted Anya so she can give him a chance and should not stop herself because of Maira.

Anya said yes and then soon everything was fine. Calm before the storm.....


Mayan had been in love before but he also had been broken before. So when he felt that his wife with her tiny little glares, cutest eye-smile and a burst of anger was making her way slowly into his mind and heart trying to pick up the pieces... he found strength. Strength to love her as she deserves. Love her madly and beautifully, even if she only wants friendship. It didn't matter coz in his eyes, she deserves the world.

Maira wanted Anya away from her life hence she did what she did but now it's biting her back. Seeing Anya living her life with Mayan and her own husband staring at Aanya broke her heart and that changed to anger soon. She had to get Anya and Mayan away from her life as soon as possible.


2 months later:

Everyone woke up in the middle of the night with screams and chaos. Anya reached the source to see a very broken Maira, on the corner of the kitchen, sobbing with torn clothes and smudged makeup. She knew, everyone knew what that implied.

Jay: Hey! I am here Maira! you're okay! I am here.. what happened please tell me, It's okay..I trust you. Please Ira!

Jay hugged a sobbing Maira who calmed down in a bit and what she said stopped Anya's world.

Maira: He...he will not leave me! Please save me Jay pleasee!!! He will rape me and I..I can't do anything!!! Plzzzz

Jay: Who?? WHO did this? Tell me now

Maira: He...He.. Mayan!! I came to get water & It was dark. THen suddenly someone attacked me & He ran upstairs just before you came coz I started screaming but he is drunkkkk...but I fought him and something fell from his arms as I struggled.

Jay looked around and found a sleek silver bracelet and saw red. It was Mayan's! So he marched upstairs only to see Mayan lying on a mattress, seemingly sleeping. he jostled him up and dragged him downstairs.

Everyone could see how Mayan stood wobbly on his own feet seemingly confused.

And before he could say something a slap on his left cheek blanked his mind.

Jay's dad: How could you steep so low? Trying to rape your brother's wife? what is wrong with you???

Mayan couldn't believe what he was hearing and slowly looked at Maira who was straight up looking at him in his eyes, still hugging her husband. And suddenly everything was clear to him. She framed him. And everyone believes her. His head hurst and everything is blurry.

 He wanted to scream and say he didn't do shit! But thinking of everyone, his eyes searched for the ones he had fallen for, to see her looking at the ground blank. So she also thinks the same...suddenly the urge to scream and prove his innocence died in his throat. It didn't feel worth it anymore. Not that anyone's gonna believe him anyway. But he tried...for himself.

'I didn't do anything, I was...I was upstairs as I don't fe..feel good so I slept and..' He was cut off by Jay holding him up by collar and screaming into his face about hoe Disgusting, shameless & low-life human he is. He felt Jay drop one hand from his collar and the hand swinging towards him. He closed his eyes hopelessly....1sec, 2 sec, 3 sec but the hit never came. He opened his eyes to see the back of someone who stood tall, holding Jay's hand stopping him. The back of someone who he had tapped a 100 times now to soothe her when she cried in his arms. Aanya. His wife. He couldn't hear what she was saying coz everything was tuned out. All he knew was that she was taking a stand for him. And he stared...and stared till he saw her moving around with worry in her eyes.

'Are you okay? Can you hear me? Mayan please..." she said worried but he couldn't answer as his vision turned black and he fell forward...but she was there holding his huge body with her tiny frame, his head on her shoulder. Even unconsciously, Mayan felt safe, in the arms of a woman he once almost destroyed.


 Anya stood there holding Jay's hand that was about to slap Mayan. She might be taken aback by the accusation but soon she decided that no matter what happens, she will trust Mayan. She trusts Mayan. 

'How can you stand for a man who tried to rape you sister? How can you?' Asked Jay as if he was disgusted.

'He didn't do it. And before you start asking for proof, please use your brain before you come onto Mayan like that! We reached here within 2 minutes of hearing her screams and look at Mayan! Please look! A man who can't even stand can run upstairs to his guest room in 2 minutes? and none of us would see him? Sounds fake to me!' Anya snapped

She moved towards Jay's dad and held his hand and requested.

'Dad, how can you not trust your own son? You slapped him without even giving him a chance. I stand by him because I know him and will do anything to prove his innocence.' 

She went to Maira and asked if she saw the guy's face and she was sure it's Mayan.

'I..I know it was him' Maira stuttered

'But you said it was dark, I didn't know you could clearly see a man's face in darkness too?' Mocked Anya

She then moved to the kitchen are where all the mess was made by Maira as she was supposedly molested. And bent down to pick up a ring with green stone on top.

'You all found a bracelet but missed this? How?' Anya said as she raised the ring up for everyone to see only to hear gasps out of Jay. 

'It's..this ring's!' Jay stuttered his next words as he couldn't believe it.

'Oh so you did...' Anya was rudely cut off my Jay's mom as she said it was bullshit and the ring could have fallen off anytime during the day.

'Oh! So based on a bracelet you can say it was Mayan who did it even when Maira siad it was dark but you don't believe when dad's ring is found?' Anya snapped only to shut everyone

She turned around to see Mayan's face all pale and palms shivering, his gaze on her but hazy look in his eyes. She asked him how was he but all she got was the deadweight of an unconscious Mayan on her. 

'I am taking him to our room, AND if anyone wants to call the police...please go ahead but remember...if the bracelet is given as an evidence, the ring goes too.' With that she struggled as she calls the cook for help and took Mayan upstairs.


HEY Fam! thanks for reading this chapter and loving the book.

I will try and post soon again.

Love you guys

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