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Red talks: Heyy Readers!! Comment your favorite songs!! I want to listen to some good songs and I know your music taste is gonna be awesome! And I listen to songs in any language so don't worry !! JUST TELL ME!!!


The man sharply inhaled at the feeling of something cold being splashed on his face. He opened his eyes groaning just to see a raging woman with a jug in hand, glaring at him with misty eyes. With a hammering headache, he tried to sit straight just to be yanked up on his feet by Aanya who is probably going to kill him. 

'Why the hell am I here? Why were you sleeping next to me you asshole? Answer me!!! You didn't rape me so then why the hell did you bring me here?' 

The man just swayed in her hold, blinking his eyes repeatedly with a frown on his face. She left his collar watching him fall on the bed. He grabbed a glass of water and gulped it all in one go, breathing heavily as he lowered the glass on the table. After what felt like ages of silence to Aanya, he looked straight up at her, looking almost sober.

'I am sorry Aanya! I don't know what happened! This... this wasn't the plan!' 

'What plan? I missed my fuckin wedding !! So come straight to the point and tell me everything! I...I need to go home and explain to Jay and my family about what happened and I don't even know what happened so just fucking tell me!!' Aanya wanted to hit this guy hard. Is this guy deaf? Wasn't her rant long enough for him to now open his mouth? Before she could open her mouth again, that name he took froze her mind.

'Maira...It has to be her!! She loves Jay, obsessed even. Maira and I planned to spoil this marriage but this wasn't the plan I swear! God!! Fuggin fish!! not this...never this....'

Aanya had thousands of questions zooming across her neurons but she decided to ask the most important one first...

'What's fuggin fish?? Don't tell me that was supposed to be "Fuckin Fuck"?' 

'Shhh.. you shouldn't swear! God!!'

If the situation was something else, she would have given him a list of benefits of swearing but she got priorities now.

'Why would Maira do this? She was the one who convinced me for this wedding!' Aanya didn't get why would her cousin do this to her.

'because Jay put a condition in front of his parents that if he gets to marry you he'll stay here and if not, he would go to America for his masters, and Maira of course wanted him here. And I know all this because I am Jay's and Maira's best friend...Mayan. Well... an ex-best friend of Jay, we had a fallout and I wanted revenge. So when I caught Maira finding keys to Jay's mom's locker so that she could put aunty's pieces of jewelry in your bag, just to frame you... Instead of stopping her, I gave her the keys and asked her to help me in my plan.' Mayan stopped heaving a sigh, dropping his head low into his palms worrying over how this was so not his plan.

'What was your plan then Mr. Mayan?' Aanya never felt so infuriated before. Who gave them the right to play with her life? She clearly remembers when during one of her rituals, Jay's mom couldn't find the pieces of jewelry, and when everyone's bags were checked, it was found in hers. She had been so shocked and embarrassed because of the stares everyone was throwing her way like they were disgusted and thought of her as some low life.

'I planned to get you here but not for this!! We, I mean Maira and I were going to have some girl and Jay in this room in some compromising position and then bring you here so that you would stop the wedding. We were getting you here to show you Jay and the girl but I don't remember why it's us here? She said Jay and the girl were here already and so I brought you here but!! I don't know! I really don't know! I am so sorry.'

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