Chapter 29 - Discuss

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Warning: Typographical and Grammatical Errors ahead...

As they agreed to that decision, Anthony did a couple more adjustment to Gulf's whole area. Two incubators are located right inside an empty room just in front of Gulf's private room, a common area for everyone to be together since they're a lot and of course easy passageway for Gulf to explore the whole place while using a wheelchair.

He's on total bed rest but a couple of walks here and there, as well as moving around in a wheelchair are okay.

They met three new staffs as well.

Adam, 'Tito Adie', is a anesthesiologist. He's in charge of relief during the labor and delivery. They may need him for an epidural or other pain medicine or if they need him for C-Section, but Gulf wasn't having any of that. Yeah he's on board with pain medication, but C-Section? He really said, "Fuck that". And will only do it if there's really no choice at all, since Anthony told him that he could give birth naturally which is still weird but seeing the placement of his birth canal near his rectum, it makes sense.

Michael, or as they call, 'Tito Mike', is a Neonatologist. He's a doctor who specializes in taking care of premature babies and full-term babies with other problems—such as, injuries during birth, illnesses, and birth defects. In most cases, many will not need a neonatologist. But since Anthony is trying to have those twins out as soon and as safe as possible, he called him up.

And there's Brenda, 'Tita Brenda', a Maternal-Fetal Doctor. She specializes in helping women, in this case 'man', with high-risk pregnancies and childbirth. Seh would be in the delivery room since Gulf is having twins, they're trying to have him give birth prematurely, and has a septate uterus.

Of course, as Gulf's Ob-Gyne, Anthony would be in there, together with his wife, Karla, who is also an Ob-Gyne. Three nurses will also be present; Kevin, Mikko, and Charisse.

"So? What do you think?" Gulf asked, "I think it's great, beautiful names for such beautiful girls, they would be as gorgeous as their 'Mommy'" Mew smiled as Gulf glared at him.

"If these two really call me 'Mommy' I will not let you touch me for a week Mew" he said rolling his eyes, "Oho? My Gulfie has guts to say that when he's the one who secretly likes my touches" Mew smirked, "We both know you like my guts" Gulf winked back making Mew chuckled as he gets the inuendo behind his fiancé's words.

"Gosh can you two tone down the horniness?" well, it seems like the others may have heard it too. Their friends came, and as usual they're complete. It's been a month since Gulf has been admitted after all, and they agreed that at least once a week, they all would be complete.

"Bright! Come here!" and for the first time in five and a half months, Gulf actually smiled at the sight of Bright, "Well that's new" Saint said making everyone laugh. "Bai, Mew and I already agreed on the twins' names" Gulf said animatedly on his brother, "Really? What is it?" Bright asked in the same excitement.

"They're almost exactly alike which kinda scares me" Off said, making a face towards the two, "I agree, but they're each other's best friend since they were born, of course they grew up almost exactly the same" Mew smiled.

For the past month, everytime that Mew has a schedule, their parents will take care of Gulf as their sisters are still in the university.

But the lots of time that Mew doesn't have any work and just stays at the hospital with Gulf, the younger have a lot of stories from childhood which he happily told Mew.

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