Chapter 31 - Who?

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Warning: Typographical and Grammatical Errors ahead...

Even unconscious, Gulf could hear voices. Distinct and familiar voices, some were from his parents and friends, but he can always hear Mew's voice. Despite not believing those cliche dramas where a comatosed person could hear their surroundings, Gulf could now understand that it is true.

"Tua Eng, wake up already please? It's been three days, the kids missed you too. I feel like they knew that you haven't touched them yet. After our friends family left yesterday, Noelle began crying and the only thing that calmed her down was me laying her down next to you. I missed you my love, the twins do too, we're all waiting for you. Come back to us, please"

Though there are times when Gulf want nothing but to open his eyes, sit up, and smack the living shit out of his friends.

"Bitch wake up! It's been five days since you started your non-approved hibernation. For all you know, you already have bad breath"

"Saint, you're an absolute idiot" Win said, actually he's the only one who have the guts to cuss out Saint in their friend group, "Can you two stop cursing? The twins may come back any second now" Mild nagged the two, "The twins are not here yet though so we can still say bad words" Win argued back.

"Shh! You three are so loud! But seriously Gulf, you should wake up already. Mew may not say it but everytime we visit you guys, your husband looked like he had been crying. Your baby daddy, and babies miss you already stupid, so wake the fuck up" Gun then said which result to another chaos, since he cursed too.

Gulf only sighed in his head when he heard his friends, it's not as if he doesn't want to wake up okay? He just can't! It's as if his body is recuperating from the past seven months of exhaustion with his whole pregnancy and child birth. He's pretty sure that his septum was removed too after they got Noelle, so maybe his body have it's own coping mechanism? Honestly, he's not surprised if that is what causing him to sleep for a very long time.

And them calling Mew as his husband? It's not new, for the past two months that they were staying inside the hospital, all of them became used to calling Gulf and Mew as each other's husbands.

"Kuya! Wake up already! It's been a week! Did you know that a nurse here is hitting on Kuya Mew? So wake up and stake a claim on your man!"

"Grace! If Kuya Gulf woke up and decided to not marry my brother because of what you just said, I'll honestly cry"

"Jom, at least Kuya will wake up right?" Grace reasoned.

At that point, Gulf want nothing more but to reach out to Grace's hair and pull it a couple of times, just to snap his sister back to reality, because she's spouting non-sense and her reason is not reasoning anymore.

"Son can you at least squeeze my hand? Even for just a bit, please? We're not giving up but it's been almost two weeks, your Tito Anthony said that you're fine already, so why won't you wake up? Mew misses you, so much Kana. And your daughters, your daughters cry everytime someone else is carrying them, all they want is your husband and you. Honestly, what kinds of things are you saying to my grandbabies when you were pregnant? Oh the urge to tell Mew about your collection--"

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