Chpt 13 - Ignored Warnings

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Wu's POV -
Staring at the World Map Of Ninjago, eyes straining to focus, why was this happening to me? Shaking that off, brushing my beard angrily, it seemed any help to Banish Kai would be impossible at this stage.

Glancing around, no one, good. Unfolding the forbidden scroll, remembering every detail, word, pronunciation, everything, it surprisingly felt all natural to me. Smiling triumphantly, I was completely unaware of the small piece of warning fall right underneath me.

Garmadon's POV -
Noticing Wu sluggishly head out of the monitor room, he didn't act nor behave like his usual self. Slithering in after my foolish brother, I had to inspect this forbidden scroll more closely, because something just didn't sit right with me.

Crouched on one knee, frantically searching the wooden floorboards, where had the paper written with the warning disappear to? Hope fading quickly, something small, discoloured and frail caught my eye. Reaching a steady hand under the desk, struggling to reach it, I was completely unaware the door opened up.

"Dad? What are you doing crawling on the ground?". Jolting from fright, head colliding with the tables edge, a small wince forced it's way out. Glancing at Lloyd, an unsteady smile crept onto my face. "Oh Lloyd, could you lend me a hand here?".

Noticing Lloyd seemed skeptic, he sighed, headed over to me and kneeled to be in level with me. "What's that?". Lloyd asked, confused at first but upon following his line of sight, it was a frail, decades old cardboard box.

Lloyd POV -
Steadily reaching an arm out, I first grabbed the small piece of paper, handed to Garmadon, then went back for that unusual cardboard box. Placing it firmly onto a steady surface, Garmadon looked worried all of a sudden. "What's wrong Dad?". Spotting that flinch of concern, that can't be good. "I've been told, each forbidden scroll comes with a different warning, however this one, which Wu wants to blindly use on Kai has multiple warnings". Arching a brow, still confused, it caused Garmadon to sigh with deep regret. "Lloyd, gather your friends immediately, bring them all here but please keep this from Wu".

Nodding to his terms, I quickly scurried to gather anyone around, unfortunately though Harumi wasn't here and Jay quickly left without a saying.

Jay's POV -
Staring face to face with the Oni Of Fear, he looked deeply concerned, this definitely wasn't like him. "Jay I'm glad you came quickly as I stated, I'm sorry for such a short notice but Wu has gone beyond foolish, that forbidden scroll he's managed to somehow find, has multiple warnings, in which he's completely oblivious to".

Biting the corner of my lip, fist clenched, this all seemed surreal. "So you're saying Wu has ignored his own constant lectures and is blindly following some unnatural scroll?". Seeing the Oni Of Fear nod his head ever so subtly, caused an unbelievable sensation to bubble within my heart.

Nya POV -
Sadly staring out into the night sky, thoughts numb from so much happening within a short timespan, why was my brother burdened with such responsibilities? Calmly breathing in the night air, being able to relax once more, ready to head inside, footsteps began approaching from behind but why were they being cautious?

Unable to turn around, they began talking, yet their tone seemed unusual. "Nya I know he's your brother but stop worrying about him, Harumi will protect Kai". Glancing over my shoulder, it was Cole?

Completely facing him, staring at him with confusion, i thought he wanted Kai banished? Why the sudden change of heart? "Didn't you want Kai banished?". I blurted out, not holding anything to myself anymore. "Listen Nya, I've done wrong, I know, we all have but this isn't the right way, we ninja stay together like family, not shun another who is merely different, like Lloyd for example".

Coldly sighing, teeth baring in an instant, mind numbing , I couldn't bothered be angry, not now anyways. Ready to speak up and say whatever was in my mind, suddenly Lloyd came rushing over to us two, concern weighing him down. "Nya, Cole hurry to the monitor room, it's an emergency".

Without a second word, Lloyd sprinted back down below deck, that surely was unusual behaviour from him. Staring at Cole, he returned the favour. Quickly hurrying after Lloyd, Cole closely at my heel, what could be happening now?

Zane's POV -
Hurriedly walking through the forest, struggling to locate Jay or even Harumi, where had they both disappeared to? Halting in the middle of nowhere, frantically searching my surroundings, the storm unfortunately disrupted all sensors, making it impossible to detect any life forms.

Kai POV -
Screaming unintentionally loud, what was happening? I though that transformation would delay any further Oni possession. Hyperventilating once more, clenching my chest tightly, eyes glowing a furious crimson red, Oni tusk tearing through my bottom canines, I can't transform not again!

Unsteadily forcing myself to stand, Harumi took one glance at me and began shaking uncontrollably. Breathing harshly, smoke creeping from the corners of my mouth, fist clenched, I'd noticed the stub mysteriously grew back to its original shape. Relaxing all tensed muscles, sighing with relief, I also noticed the change in skin tone.

"Kai... are you there?". Staring at Harumi in one small motion, struggling to smile with these tusk, Harumi seemed to have calmed down. "It's alright.. I'm me but Zane you can stop hiding from us".

Zane POV -
Cautiously appearing in front of the two of them, it's strange Kai managed to even transform partly, especially after that complete transformation. Shaking that off for now, putting it aside, I'd noticed Harumi seemed Skeptical.

"Harumi, Kai I've got some... unfortunate news, that forbidden scroll Wu found, Lloyd and Garmadon have confirmed it's got more than one warning-". Ready to inform them more, Harumi politely disrupted me in a heartbeat. "We know, The Oni Of Fear came into contact with us, baring that unbelievable news, don't worry I'll protect Kai".

Smiling in relief, from enemy to a trustworthy comrade, I can't believe fate gave us such powerful teammates... unfortunately it's taken an unfortunate turn and now it's time to protect Kai from one of our own.

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