03. Snare

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"What took you guys so long?" Celia teases as we walk back inside to find the boys downing beers by the mahogany bar.

"There was a lot of it." Seth winces as he places his empty beer bottle down. I can tell by the look on his face that he hated having to clean up but he tries to brush it off as though it doesn't bother him.

"Did you guys hear the lions?" Julian asks.

"Yeah, they sounded pretty close." Celia grabs the beer that Jeremy had just lifted to his lips and takes a big swig before handing it back to him.

"Forget about all your horror movies," Jeremy slaps Julian on the back. "Those are the only killers you have to worry about this weekend. Well, lions, cheetahs and leopards."

"Hyenas," I throw in. "Although they're mainly scavengers."

"You could also get trampled by an elephant," Seth adds. "Hey, maybe you were right about this being like a horror movie, Julian."

Julian looks at us one by one before speaking again. "Fucking hell, you guys are morbid. I thought I was the one with the dark sense of humor."

"Who said we were joking?" Seth shrugs, reaching into the cooler box to grab another beer. "I'm going to start gathering some firewood for the braai before it gets too dark."

"I'll help," Julian also replenishes his drink and follows Seth out the door.

Jeremy places a kiss on Celia's lips and smiles down at her. "I better go help those guys or else we'll be eating at midnight. Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone."

"As if," she counters. "I only get into trouble with you." She waits for him to go before pulling my bottle of whiskey from the cooler box and pouring us each a generous helping. "To getting into trouble."

I clink my glass with hers before taking a sip and savoring the burn as the whiskey makes its way down my throat. "Do you think we should check on Hope?"

"Nah, I'm sure she's okay. It's better to let her sleep for as long as she can. I doubt any of us will be getting much sleep tonight."

She's probably right. Every time I manage to forget about the table of blood in the room, it comes straight back, inevitably dragging my memories along with it. I know as soon as I close my eyes tonight, my dreams will be filled with crimson. I feel so terrible that the weekend that Celia had so carefully planned has to be cut short, but at the same time I don't want to be here longer than I need to.

I can't wait to leave in the morning.

My thoughts are interrupted by a loud yell from outside. The glass in my hand falls to the floor, shattering on impact. Small shards slice my ankles but I barely feel them as Celia and I exchange a panicked look before taking off towards the door at the same time.


I have no idea what's happened, or to who. The only thought that fills my head as I race across the verandah is that my husband has somehow fallen prey to one of the many predators that surround this place. Celia, whose legs are much longer than mine, reaches the edge first, leaping over the two steps leading up to it and landing on the grass before sprinting to the left just as another loud yell sounds from that direction.

My panic dims slightly as I realize that it's not Seth who shouted, I know I would be able to recognize his voice. It returns full force when I finally manage to pin point it as Julian's. I vaguely hear Jeremy swearing a few hundred meters away, and quicken my pace to get to them.

The grass is spiky, poking into my ankles as I push my way through the bush. Low hanging tree branches slap my face, delaying my progress as I tail after Celia, my short legs unable to keep up her pace. Another shout followed by a scream of pain pushes me to increase my speed, willing my feet to move faster.

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