Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

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                                  ~Darcy POV~

             When I woke up, I saw Ian walk in with a metal tub that filled with water and two large bars of Dove soap that looked like it was a year old. He left and I stripped down and washed myself. I put on my outfit after wards, besides the beanie. I saw a mirror that was outside, but now inside. I had a huge gash on the side of my head and I quickly looked away. When I did I felt tears going down my face. I just wanted Harry and mommy. I sighed as someone knocked. "Come in." I said, my voice breaking a little. It was Mark. "We will buy you more clothes later." He said, "We will wait until your family will beg millions to get you back with your brother being famous." I nodded and said, "Thanks, Mark." He laughed an evil laugh and said, "Time to get to work once you have breakfast." I nodded and he set down some toast and juice. I ate it and sipped the juice. I got up and he led me down to the living room. "You will clean the game room and the floor." Ian said, not looking up from the TV. I saw he was playing a video game. Then, Anthony showed me all the cleaning supplies. "It better be spotless otherwise you get a punishment!" Ian said, smirking.

           I lugged all of the supplies downstairs to the game room. It was covered with video game controllers everywhere with stains on the floors and random stains on the pool table. I sighed and began my work. I put the controllers in a basket that had them in it and put all the pool stuff away. After that, I plopped myself on the floor and began scrubbing at the weird stains and spills. After that, I tried to finish cleaning this one area of the floor but the stain wouldn't fade. Soon Ian came downstairs to check on me. "WHY IS IT NOT SPOTLESS?" He screamed and I winced. "It wouldn't come clean..?" I said quietly. His face showed a mix of twisted anger. He yanked me up and pulled out a knife...I'm scared Harry!

       ~ HARRY'S POV~

               We spend most of the day handing out flyers and tomorrow the police will be sending out warnings to everyone on TV. All of us including Danielle and Eleanor will be on Good Morning UK and Good Morning America in a few days to talk with interviewers. Gemma flew in from her friends' house to stay with us again. She's heartbroken when she herd the news. I just hope that Darcy is not..y'know..hurt. Louis is also taking it very hard. He barely cracks jokes anymore. He only smiles baby smiles. Luckily, the controversial 'Larry Stylinson' doesn't fade. Louis comforts me a lot and we both know we have a shoulder to cry on. I wonder what Darcy is doing..

        ~DARCY'S POV~

                I screamed louder. I swear blood was everywhere. Ian had sliced my face, my arms, my legs, my head, I swear everywhere. He was about to slit my throat when we saw Anthony. He looked shocked for a second. "IAN! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO KEEP THE PAIN MINIMAL! SHE'S SUPPOSED TO MAKE A VIDEO FOR THE MONEY!" He yelled, choking Ian. I scooted away to the corner of a wall and whimpered. Soon, I was thrown into my room. I winced and tried to crawl onto the bed, but I was too weak. Tears fell and I cried even though it hurt. What if they killed me? Would I ever see daylight again? Would I see Harry..or the boys? Danielle and Eleanor? Mummy..daddy?


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