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ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते ।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

That is Infinite, This is Infinite, 

From That Infinite is manifested This Infinite,

And when This Infinite is separated from That Infinite,

What remains is indeed The Infinite.

OM, Peace, Peace, Peace.

                                                                                    - ISHOPANISHAD

Somewhere in the Unchartered Terrain of the Upper Himalayas - 4:15 am -20 /02/2050 - Maha Sivaratri - Present Day.

In the vast wilderness of the uninhabited, virgin Himalayan slopes, you could see nothing for as far as the eye could see, except ice and mountains covered in ice. The terrain was deceptive, one wrong step and death were certain.

It was an explored area in the northeastern, upper Himalayan region. No man had ever set foot in these environs, in thousands of years. It had been unknown to modern man definitely, that such a place even exists.

It was an area, almost always covered in snow or blizzard. And so, even very high-resolution satellite imagery, revealed little. Unseen, unexplored, this vast bed of snow, held within itself, who knows, how many mysteries, unknown to man.

It was in this frigid wilderness, that one could see, two sets of footmarks. Clearly from the spikey indents in the snow, one could tell, that these were human, snowboots, equipped for professional mountain climbing. A little ahead of the 2 sets of footprints, 2 human forms, dwarfed by the majestic mountain ranges in front of them, trudged through the knee-deep snow. Their faces were fully covered by huge wind protection glasses and masks, to keep their faces from freezing.

They held hands, as they waded through the thick layers of mountainous ice. As they stood for a few minutes to regain their breath, the man looked towards his left.

"This is it," he said, "this is as far as I can take you. What do you want to do now?" he asked, panting heavily through the mask, a huge rucksack, hanging behind him on his shoulders.

The lady seemed to look at him, deep in thought. Not one word she uttered, in the silence that was interrupted only by the whistling of the winds.

"I made my choice a long time ago Adrija. And I suspect you have too. Question is, are you ready to accept the choice you made a long time ago? Flip the coin and make a life choice with it, NOW! And there is no turning back." And he waited with bated breath.

Adrija looked all around her. Had she really come this far? In a short span of 3 years, how did everything change so drastically? How?

He was right. The decision had already been made. With Rudy now gone, forever, there was nothing else left to do. The world held no appeal for her anymore. It was a barren landscape, with no promise for the future.

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