3. Imagine - Teacup

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[ Sad Fact ] — Interview

When Levi lived in the underground city as a kid, his first teacup broke after falling down. He was holding it by the handle, but because of that experience he started to hold it in his weirdly way.

 He was holding it by the handle, but because of that experience he started to hold it in his weirdly way

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"What happened?" you kneel on the floor next to your friend

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"What happened?" you kneel on the floor next to your friend.

Levi's emaciated body sits in front of a broken teacup. His dark hair falls into his forehead, clothed knees decorated with dirt and eyes filled with sadness. "It broke." his whisper is so quiet that you fear you have only imagined it.

Your crumpled dress drags along the floor as you try to sit closer to him. "Is that bad? We can buy a new one."

"No money." he stands up and looks coldly at the broken cup. "Kenny wont give me more. Forget It." he clears away the shards and hands you your jacket. "You should go. Kenny will be back soon."

You carefully get up and walk over to the door, knowing that staying is a bad idea. Your thin shoulders stand out from the dress your mother made you as you put on your jacket.

After Levi picks up his knife, he follows you down the narrow stairs. Since you both became friends through your mothers, you have been inseparable. And now that he lives with Kenny and you don't see each other every day, he has insisted on always accompanying you when you go home. Your home wasn't far away, but he couldn't risk something happening to his only friend, so he stays close behind you with his chest pressed against your back.

"Did that teacup mean anything to you?" you ask quietly as you scurry quickly through the dark alleys.

His breath is warm against your ear. "Be quiet. Or do you want us to be killed?" he hisses and nudges you a little too hard, so that you almost stumble. Before that happens, however, he holds you by the arm and pulls you back to his side. "I don't want to draw anyone's attention to us," he murmurs a little nicer.

You nod understandably.

When you arrive at your small two-room house, you stop and stare at each other awkwardly. "Erm, thank you, Levi."

He nods and puts his hands in his pockets without saying anything. You're about to turn to the door as he pulls on your sleeve to get your attention. Hesitantly, he looks to the side. "It was the first cup I could afford," he murmurs in his lifeless voice. "It broke before I could drink from it."

You look at him compassionately and put your hand on his. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he says a little firmer and steps back a bit. "You should go in."

You quickly wrap your arms arund him and press your body against his. He tenses up immediately and was already about to brutally push you away, but you stepped back before he could do so. "Good night, Levi. Take care of yourself."

He watches you disappear into the house. "Yeah, you too."

Sometimes the smallest things can change your life

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