2. Imagine - Insomnia

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[ Sad Fact ] — Interview

He only sleeps 2-3 hours per night in his chair without bothering to change out of his uniform.

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Quietly, you open the door to Levi's office and carefully sneak into the room

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Quietly, you open the door to Levi's office and carefully sneak into the room.

It was already in the middle of the night and you just wanted to fall into the land of dreams. But before you could think about it any further, you noticed the petite body of your boyfriend, sleeping in an uncomfortable position on his chair with his head leaning against his forearm on the table.

Pityingly, you walk up to him and gently brush a few strands of hair out of his face. God, he had so much work and yet decided not to stop until everything was done. He didn't even think about taking care of himself. He had to work, fight, suffer, be useful more and more in order to feel good about himself. To be worth something.

Carefully, you bend down to lift him up. With slow steps you walk over to the bed, Levi cradled in your arms, and put him on the soft mattress. He groans and blinks his eyes open.

"(Y/n)?" he asks tiredly. "You don't have to-"

"It's okay, 'Vi." you smile and kiss his forehead before pushing him back into the mattress on his back. Normally he would have smacked anyone who dared to pick him up, but right now he was so tired that he didn't care what you did. He trusted you more than anyone. He knew you would never hurt him in this vulnerable state. "Let me take care of you."

With gentle fingers you take off his cravat and unbutton his shirt. Quickly throwing it into the laundry basket, you help him put on his pjama top as well as trousers while he's still half asleep. After you also get changed, you lift the blanket and cuddle up next to Levi, automatically closing your arms around him. He was so exhausted, you could feel it in the way he snuggled his head against your chest immediately.

You wrap your left arm around his tiny waist and run your right hand through his hair. Finally at peace and relaxed, you sigh and press a kiss to his head. You knew he wouldn't stay like this for long, but you still enjoyed every second. He deserved a break, comfort, to be cared for and loved.

"I love you." you whisper in his ear and nuzzle your cheek against the back of his head.

"You too." he murmurs against your collarbone.

Do me a favor, go in my bed and cuddle me all night

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