10. Imagine - Love language

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[ Cute Fact ] — Manga/Anime

Acts of service. He puts the needs of someone he cares about before his own. That is not only because of his Ackerman genes, but also because Levi's nature is it to serve those he loves.

 That is not only because of his Ackerman genes, but also because Levi's nature is it to serve those he loves

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"I could die," you groan exhausted and lie down on the couch

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"I could die," you groan exhausted and lie down on the couch. Levi rolls up to you in his wheelchair and looks at you for a while.

Your little bakery was filled with a large crowd today. For countless hours you served people from different age groups together with your co-worker Nina, until you finally walked to Levi's tea shop to visit him in his apartment.

You met the grumpy man a few weeks after his discharge from the hospital. Gabi and Falco were daily customers of yours at that time and introduced you both to each other. Levi was no longer afraid of losing every loved one, so he quickly got involved with you and you became good friends. Over the many months you even got a little crush on him – not caring that he was older and reserved.

"I didn't have a break today." your voice is muffled by the wool blanket. "You have your own bakery, but no time to eat. This is worse than hell!"

Levi chuckles and ruffles your hair. He rolls into his small kitchen and gets the pasta he cooked a few hours ago. He actually planned to eat it himself, but you needed it more than he did. It didn't suit you to be so exhausted from work.

He slowly sits down at the small table in the living room and calls you to him. "Here, eat."

You sit down next to him. "Thank you."

Your knees touch, as well as your elbow, which strokes his by guiding the fork in your hand. Levi rests his head on his hand and watches you with an amused frown. The corners of your mouth are smeared with tomato sauce, which makes him smirk. "You eat like a pig," he murmurs.

You swallow quickly and smile broadly at him. "That's really good, do you want something too?" He shakes his head, but you dash into the kitchen and get another fork.

Reluctantly, Levi accepts your offer and tastes his food. He nods. "Good."

During the meal, he throws small glances over to you, only to feel a strange tickling feeling in his stomach. After a few minutes, without you noticing, a spaghetti spilled on both of your forks. Since none of you notice, you suck up the noodle until your lips are only a few inches apart.

You look at each other with wide eyes and red cheeks . "S-sorry." you stutter.

"It's fine." he whispers and pushes the rest of the pasta over to you – his heart racing.

Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love.

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