did some force take you?

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Before New York
Trigger Warning.

My heart felt like it was going to fly out of my chest.

"We need to talk." The text read, but it had gone unanswered all night. I couldn't send multiple messages when we were seeing each other in secret. He was married.

But did that really matter? At this point? Maybe more than before.

Wrapped in blankets in my bed, I could hear Dan on the phone somewhere, selling the camper. He'd found a buyer, I heard him mention dad's bass boat, too.

I cried myself back to sleep.


"Sutton, there are possibly two people coming around today, why don't you go do something with some friends?" Dan says as I'm getting up from my seat at the table.

"Yeah, okay." I answered, dejected. I didn't want to sell the camper or anything really. But deer camp was now a thing of the past. Dan wouldn't hunt anymore because dad was gone, and now he didn't want to look at the fishing gear, he'd moved it out to the shed at some point, and then stuffed all that he could in the boat, and the rest he sold.

"Love you, sis." He says looking me in the eye, my eyes instantly water and I turn to leave.

"You too." I say as I walk to my room.

It's been a day, and still no message. I decide to send one more. "It's important. I don't want to just show up for this."

"That important?" He finally answered right away, he'd been watching, he just wasn't worried until now.

"More." I texted back

"Same place." He texted back, and I immediately knew where to go. The air bnb at the edge of town.

No one would find us there, and the owners weren't from here, so people tended to avoid it. Especially when it was rented out.

I got ready, really just throwing on some cute sweats and a tee. My hands shook the whole time, I was scared.

I told Dan bye on my way out, the sun on my face. It wasn't summer yet, but it was still hot.

When I make it to the edge of town, I park my car behind some old buildings and walk the rest of the way, it's not far, but I feel exhausted. When I get there, I reuse the old code and get in right away, it's kind of depressing. I sit and wait. We never decided on a time, but my nerves wouldn't let me sit at home. He knew I'd wait for him all night if I had to.

I guess I dozed off, and when I came to I felt that time had passed. The sky was dark. I slept for an entire day. I decided to go home, I didn't feel like waiting for him any longer, so I got up to write him a note.

I stayed for as long as I could, I wish I could tell you to your face, but this will have to do.

I'm pregnant.

Call me when you can.


As insensitive as it was, I wasn't waiting here for him all night, and he wouldn't talk to me on the phone. It was all I had, and I couldn't wait to tell him later, I was terrified.

I planned to put the note where I knew he would find it on my way out, and made my way to the door, when some cleared their throat from the bottom of the stairs. I jumped, whipping my head around.

It was Nick.

"Uh, let me call you back." He said into his phone.

I could hear the lady on the other side of the phone talking, but Nick just stared at me and hung up. We didn't say anything for a while.

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