It went good?

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Cameron P.O.V
"Look Isabelle...."
I just stopped. then she began and said "yes can tell me what's bothering please I'm your girlfriend and you can tell me anything. No secrets okay?" She had a big smile on her face. Omg it's all my fault. I honestly really did not want to hurt her. It hurts me more than it probably hurts her for me to be saying this. I feel so bad. I'm a horrible boyfriend. That's all I can think about. We were so commited and her especially and I leave for no more than 2 weeks and I already go to another girl. I mean Jessica is great but I hate long distance it's just too hard honestly. I didn't even realize that I had tears in my eyes while saying this. I could tell she noticed bc she took her thumbs and whipped them away. She was always so understanding. I then finally got the balls to start talking finally and I said "look Isabel remember how you said we would hold on we would let distance get in our way how we said we would love each other forever and always and I'm really sorry but I moved already it's only been a few days but I met this girl Jessica and I just couldn't get my mind off her I tried so hard to stay strong to our relationship but there's just something about her that I can't resist and I know I shouldn't be telling you this but I just didn't want to be a bad boyfriend you know I didn't want to hurt you I care too much about you still and I guess I really still want to be friends with you it's just we can't be what we used to be I just don't feel the same way I really hope you understand so I guess that I guess I'm breaking up with you." By the time I said all of it she had tears in her eyes she didn't even speak. She just said "oh" I feel so bad she was my first girlfriend. My first real love, well at least that's what I thought. Then I said "honestly it Isabella it wasn't my intention to hurt you please just don't be mad. I still want to be friends with you okay?"
She just nodded and hugged me.
And then she said "cam promised me will be best friends always please promise me please you can tell me anything about her and I'll help I just want you to be in my life" she said with a small smile on her face. Then I smiled and responded with a "of course" and then I said I had to go. She walked me to the door and gave me a big long hug and we said our good byes. God I'm glad she was more calm. Calmer than I thought. I'm just glad she didn't have s literal breakdown in front of me or else I wouldn't be able to even forgive myself. Anyways I went and stayed at the boys house for a couple days. I'm just thinking about how I finally get to call Jessica mine and not feel bad about it. I can't wait.

*****THE NEXT DAYYY*****
Jessica P.O.V
Wow it's only been like a day of two without cam and I'm already feeling so lonely. I feel so bad. He went to go break up with his girlfriend that he's been dating for like a year or something. God I feel horrible. I honestly just felt like an instant connection with Cam when I first met him. Different then any other. When we first kissed it was like the best feeling in the whole world. I feel so safe in his arms. I'm just really excited to see him. To call him my own boyfriend in public and everything. I just know this will go perfect. I decided to call him and make sure everything was going okay bc it's already been a day I didn't even notice I was crying until I sniffled and then u got my phone from my dresser and called him.

**phone call with Cam**

Cameron😍😘❤️- cam
Me- Jessica                <lol obvi>


Me- "hey cam how's it going....." I said while I sniffled

Cameron😍😘❤️- "it's going good baby girl. I already broke up with her so now I'm all yours. What's up with you...? Why r u crying babe what's wrong?"

I could tell from his voice he was worried about me.

Me- "i don't know I just miss you so much already"

Cameron😍😘❤️- "well don't worry love I'm coming home tomorrow so I'll see you and I'll hug you so tight that you'll never wanna let go. Alright? And don't worry about telling my fans. I've got that all covered."

He said I could literally hear his smile through the phone haha aw all though I was worried about his fans. Wow I didn't even think that would be a problem until now.

Me- fans? I totally forgot. Omg cam what if they hate me? What if they think I'm ugly and fat? What if they start sending me hate...?"

I started to cry even more.

Cameron😍😘❤️- don't think like that princess. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you. You may get hate but remember "haters are my motivators" remember now I gotta go I'll talk to you later babe bye"

God when he calls me babe, baby, love, and princess I just get this tingly feeling in me god I fell so hard for him just thinking about it I'm so glad he was at the bottom to catch me. I like him so much. Words can't even explain.

Me- " bye bby" I said with a slight smile

I like him a lot. I never thought about love before. We've never told each other we love each other. Hm maybe he'll do the same that he did with the other girl that he did with me if he finds another girl better than me. Ah fuck now I'm just scared.... I don't know what I'm gonna do now I mean he doesn't look like the type to just dump someone but then again now that I realize I haven't gotten to know him so well.... And with that I fell a sleeping thinking about the worst.

A/N- SORRRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN A WHILE I'M SUPER BUSY:( but i'll definitely try to update more.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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