Chapter 1: Quarrels

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(Note: This chapter takes place right before invitational, but the story will eventually transition to during the 3rd season.)

Balloon was walking through a.. what looked like a cave tunnel? He heard a familiar voice call out to him. They sounded like they were in distress, whoever they were. So he ran towards the sound.

He found himself walking into a very large space. Little lakes and puddles of  vibrant, even glowing teal.. water? were all over the floor. Different kinds of gemstones glittered inside the walls, followed by extremely pointy stalagmites and stalactites that infested the ground and ceiling. He tried his best to avoid any sharp edges, before he stopped in his tracks. He couldn't believe his eyes. It..

(Balloons thoughts/pov)

It was Nickel?
But.. he didn't look like himself.
He was, first of all, absolutely humongous. The top of his head barely touched the ceiling.
Secondly, he had this.. unsettling grin on his face. Not a smug or pleasant grin.. but a grin so wide, filled with knife-sharp teeth, that sent chills down my spine.
He stomped forward towards me. Usually at this point I would've started running, or screamed or.. did something a normal object would do. But.. I didn't. I just... Froze. I couldn't move my body.

(Back to narrator)

The frightening coin stopped in front of the shaking Balloon, who just stared up at him, fear clear in his eyes. He then started circling around Balloon, like a vulture that's spotted rotting food.
He spoke. When he did speak, it sounded like he had more than one voice. It was also deep.. and growly.

"Poor helpless Balloon. Look at you. So small and weak. It's no wonder everyone at hotel oj feels bad for you."

Balloon kept eye contact with him and said nothing. Trying to be brave.

"Ignoring me, huh?" He clicked his tongue.
"Looks like you haven't changed after all. Ignoring others and putting their opinions below your own."

Balloon put his hands on his head, shutting his eyes tightly, breaking eye contact with the monster.

"STOP!!!" Balloon screamed out.
His shout echoed on, unusually long. Multiple voices laughed condescendingly, all being Nickel's voice, which drowned out Balloon's cries.

He felt the world circle around him as the ground beneath him crumbled, and his vision faded he-

Woke up in his bed.

"Wh...what..? Another.. nightmare?" Balloon muttered tiredly.
He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stretched, then sighed as he looked at the time on the clock that hung on the wall.
"Oh come on.. I over slept again? I hope I didn't miss breakfast."
Balloon hopped out of bed and walked out of his room, feeling too tired to lock it after he left.
He headed downstairs, and to his disappointment everyone was already gone.
But.. to his surprise, there was a single fresh plate of eggs, bacon and pancakes waiting there for him. As if someone had prepared and saved it for him. But were they really for him?
He waited for a little bit to confirm no one else was there before sitting down and digging in.
After a comforting meal, Balloon stepped outside, where everyone was either talking, laughing, playing, or sitting by themselves doing their own thing.
He let out a shaky sigh.

(Balloon's pov)

I wish I could hang out with them.

(Back to narrator)

After sadly directing his line of sight to the grassy floor, he walked in a random direction away from the group of people, and happened to bump into an object that was heading the opposite path he was.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"
A familiar voice said, angrily.

"Sorry! I.."

Balloon looked up.
It was Nickel.

"'Sorry' doesn't mean anything coming from you. Just like with the others."
Nickel said in a condescending tone, while starting to walk off.

"Hey! At least I'm trying! All you seem to know how to do is hold a grudge!"

Nickel stopped his confident stride.

(Nickel's pov)

That idiot..
I frustratedly exhaled, turned to Balloon, and said sarcastically, "Well, it's not like you used people for your own gain in season one. Yeah, toootally not."

(Balloons pov)

Geez.. why does everyone need to remind me of that? I know it was bad. But... I'm trying to change!
Is... Is It really worth it, though? When everyone absolutely hates your guts...?
Ugh, stop thinking like that!
I folded my arms as Nickel smirked at me. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, even when I tried so hard not to let it affect me.
He's right... I don't want to admit it but.. he's right.
Dammit, stop crying you fool! There's no need for ridiculous behavior like that!
But.. I can't.. I can't stop-

(Back to narrator)

Nickel's smug smile dropped. He hated to admit he actually felt concern in that moment.

He hesitated a really long time before speaking.

"Hey... I uh- I didn't mean- I'm-"

Nickel didn't even get to get his sentence out before Balloon went running off into the nearby woods.

(Nickel's pov)

Fuck. I think I went too far this time.
What do I do..? I can't just go looking for him!
Why am I even concerned?! We hate each other... Don't we?

I paced around for what seemed like hours, before I heard someone call my name.

(Back to narrator)

Nickel turned to see who had called him. It was Oj.

"It's dinner time, Nickel. Aren't you coming inside?"

Nickel looked around. The sun was setting..
Had he really been walking around back in forth in a straight line.. for that long?
Ugh.. get a hold of yourself Nickel!
I- I can't make this worry go away though.
Nickel thought.
"Sor- Ahem. I was.. thinking about things."
"Oh. Is everything good?"
"Well that's a dumb question. Of course it is!"
Oj raised a brow. "Oook..?"
"Also, if you see Balloon around, please tell him that it's dinner time."

(Nickel's pov)

I winced and bit my lip. Just the mention of his name made me feel a painful stab of guilt.
I swallowed the big lump that formed in my throat and finally spoke again.
"I.... Okay. I will."
Oj tapped his foot.
"You can go back inside. I'll uh. I'll catch up..."
Oj's expression went back to normal.
"Well, alright. Just don't be too long."
He walked off back in the direction of the hotel.
I watch him go, then turn towards the forest. I collapse to the ground, stomping my foot in frustration. I then curl up in a fetal position.

God.. what have I done...?

WOOOO was this a trip!
This is my first time writing a Nickloon fic so I hope those reading like it so far! This practically took me all day lol.
This was inspired by a really good nickloon fanfic called "like a ruby flower" by objectronpaa. I haven't finished it myself, since it is very long but so far it's awesome. So go read it. Please. Give them some love.
Well I'm outtie, see you guys next chapter! School started again so some things may take me a while. I'll be as quick as I can though! ^^
Bye y'all

Word count: 1206

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