Chapter 3: Part 1 - The Starting Search

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(Nickel's pov)

I'm walking through a dark, drippy forest, when I come across this area with a cave. The cave is full of spiky rocks, jutting out in every direction. No one would go in unless they had a death wish.
Then, I saw the one person I hoped I wouldn't see..

It was Balloon. He was standing in front of the cave.

"Balloon..?" I said.

But he didn't answer. He didn't even move or flinch.

After a long while of uncomfortable silence, Balloon sighed, and started walking into the cave.

"B-Balloon, wait!"
I called out.
He kept walking.

I called out again.

He kept walking.

I kept calling out to him, but it was like he couldn't hear me..

I chased after him into the cave.

He had stopped walking, and was now standing in a room. It had glowing puddles of.. something. With gemstones in the walls.
Except.. the spikes completely covered the entire walls in every direction.
His back was facing towards me, but then.. he turned around and looked at me.

He was just a completely black silhouette. The only thing that wasn't, was his eyes.. which were completely white. White voids.

I felt myself start to shiver as he said..

"We're trapped."

All I could do was frightfully stare at him, and say..

"Wh-.. what...?" In response.

Then he backed up into a spike, and popped. He DIED. RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES!


My screams devolved into uncontrollable sobs as I dropped to my knees. He was gone.. he was gone... He was gone.. he was gone.. he wa-



I jolted awake with a gasp.

(Back to narrator)

Microphone was shaking Nickel awake.

"Wh- whah.. what?!"
Nickel sleepily muttered out.

"It's time to get up, we're supposed to go look for Balloon today, remember?"

"Oh....right." Nickel sighed.

"Hurry up and come eat some breakfast! I've already alerted everyone about his disappearance."

"Okay okay! Alright."

Mic walked out of the room, heading down to breakfast.

Nickel watched her leave, a brow raised.
He groaned, frustrated and flopped onto his back on the bed.

(The scene cuts to after breakfast. Everyone is chatting nervously. Nickel didn't eat anything because.. well, he didn't want to at a time like this.)

(The camera then cuts to Oj and Paper. They're both sitting on the couch.)

Oj looked distraught, as he stared at the floor. Paper rubbed his back comfortingly.

"I feel like.. this is all my fault. I shouldn't have kicked him out for so long..."
Said Oj, in a shaky voice.

"Don't say that! I'm.. 99% sure you weren't the cause of this."

Oj raised a brow.
"And what about the other 1%?"

"Um. That's just a.. a little sliver of unsureness. But nevermind that! Yes.. you did kick him out. But that's all in the past, j. The important thing here is that you care. You are an amazing caretaker, I promise you that. It's something I've always admired about you.."

After saying the last part, Paper blushed a little bit while smiling.

Oj looked at him, surprised. He also blushed.
Then Oj started to smile back at Paper. They stared into each other's eyes and-

Oj shook his head, and then stood up, regaining his confidence.
"You're right, Paper! I need to take my role as a leader and caretaker!"
He marched to the middle of the living room and said in a loud voice,
"Okay, everyone! I think it's about time we stop sitting around! We're going to go look for Balloon. Whether you like him or not, he is an object. Just like the rest of us. And it is your choice whether you want to come, or stay! But I say sitting around has never helped anyone. Now WHO'S WITH ME??"

A little over half the objects in the room let out a cheer.

"Good! Now pack up any important items we'll need on this journey. We probably have a long way to go."

A few objects soluted before starting to pack up.
Microphone helped Nickel pack.
He was nervous.

After packing up everything they needed, Oj spoke confidently once again.

"Alright everybody! Let's DO THIS!"
Oj marched, leading a big group of objects out the door.

Paper followed quickly behind the group, letting out a loving sigh.

(Paper's pov)

That's my Oj..

Haha! Little payjay serotonin for ya (you're welcome.)
I know this chapter was probably also kinda short, but I have some big plans!
I hope you enjoyed this crazy one, until next time.

Word count: 766

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