Part 1

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Hellooooo, so I have seen a couple of fanfics like this before but this is my own original spin on it. I am a sucker for hurt comfort and apparently I love making people suffer so here's a story where poor Jin gets hurt by the dance teacher. I know, I'm awful. I absolutely love Kim Seokjin fics and there's like, none of them out there. It makes me sad. SO I'm adding to the pile. Obvi I don't own any characters and these are real people so remember to respect privacy and that this is all fake, fiction, not real.

Let me know what you think!


As soon as Jin woke up, he knew something was wrong. His hair was sticking up in an annoying way and he had stubbed his toe whilst walking out of his room on the doorframe. His eyelids were heavy and the floor was cold under his feet.

Yoongi was still asleep in the other bed in his room so he was being as quiet as he could, but apparently not succeeding as he heard an angry mumble from behind him as he was walking. He mentally scolded himself for not being careful enough.

In the kitchen he began to prepare breakfast for the boys. Jin thought of them as his younger brothers so he made sure to look after them as best he could. Sometimes he felt he wasn't doing enough because he had no experience of being the oldest, let alone looking after 6 other people, but he was always trying his hardest to be a good hyung for them.

So, as Jin stood at the counter, toe still throbbing and eyes half closed while making food for the members, he knew it was going to be a rough day. He could feel it in his gut. He let out a sigh and mentally prepared himself in this rare moment of silence for the day to come.


Jin was right. The day was going terribly. The members had practically inhaled breakfast, only for Namjoon to knock over a glass of orange juice while putting his jumper on, spilling it all over Jin. This then made him late for dance practice, which the new instructor was definitely not happy about. 

Jin had hurried in and said a small apology with a deep bow for being late but the man had glanced at him slowly with a foul look on his face and then proceeded to ignore Jin entirely and resume the dance practice. He was a muscly, tall man, in his late 50s Jin would estimate. He looked fitter and more able than all of them combined. Something about him set Jin on edge. It could be the bad introduction, Jin thought to himself as he mirrored the other boy's moves. It's probably just that.

As he was learning the new dance steps behind Jungkook, Jin was struggling to keep up. Missing the warm up, the brief and the tutorial understandably does that to a person, Jin thought. Namjoon smiled at him apologetically, seeing his struggle. Jin couldn't help but return a warm smile. It wasn't Namjoon's fault anyway. He just needs to watch where his arms are next time.

Still smiling, Jin's eyes strayed form Namjoon's and landed on the instructor (who's name he had now learned was Mr Choi). His smile was immediately wiped from his face seeing the stern eyes of Mr Choi. He felt like he had been scolded from across the room without a single word being spoken. He lowered his eyes and went back to dancing, trying extra hard to get the moves right to make sure he doesn't fall even further into Mr Choi's bad books.

As dance practice came to an end, Jin felt considerably more confident than he had when he first entered the room. Hoseok had taken a little bit of time to go over it with him at the end of practice and that had helped a lot. Jin had called him a Godsend and offered to carry his bags on the next airport trip, to which Hobi had excitedly accepted. Jin would regret that later for sure.

The younger members were already waiting in the car and it was just Jin, Yoongi and Mr Choi left in the practice room.

"Come on, hyung," Yoongi said tiredly, already wishing to be at home back in bed, "Lets go already."

Jin glanced at him with a fond smile and began speaking. "Yes I'm coming, just give me a sec-"

"Actually, I would like to keep Jin for a little longer, scene as he missed the first chunk of our session. Just to make sure he is all caught up." Mr Choi cut in.

Yoongi nodded and was straight out of the door. Jin, who was still in a rather good mood, decided to feel positively about this. What a nice, genuine guy, checking up on him and making sure he is happy with everything. He put his jumper back on his bag and turned to face the instructor, pushing away his rising feelings of anxiety and fear.

Mr Choi was an intimidating man, that's for sure. Jin looked at him and tried to smile, even though he now felt like he had been placed in a boxing ring with the heavy weight champion. It didn't help that Mr Choi was cracking his knuckles, making him seem even more scary and making Jin feel even smaller.

His discomfort must have shown on his face because Mr Choi allowed some tension to leave his shoulders and gave Jin a smile.

"Loosen up there, boy," Mr Choi said, still smiling, "You look just about ready to run from this room as fast as you can." He finished his sentence with a small laugh. Jin immediately felt ten times better and began smiling with relief. This was a nice man, not a terrifying muscle boulder of a human who could crush skulls with his bare hands.

Just as Jin was laughing, Mr Choi placed his hand on Jin's shoulder.

"I understand that being late this morning was a big misunderstanding, as RM informed me it was his fault." Mr Choi continued.

"Yeah, sometimes Namjoon can be too clumsy for his own good, I'm glad the situations was expla-"

"But, you see, Jin," Mr Choi interrupted him and the hand on Jin's shoulder tightened considerably, "I don't appreciate people being late to my sessions. Nor do I appreciate people who are older and know better pinning the blame on someone younger, instead of taking responsibility for their actions, you know?" The grip on Jin's shoulder was becoming painful now. Mr Choi was staring directly at Jin and all the feelings of fear and anxiety came rushing back in.

Jin just stared at him, with his mouth slightly open, dumbfounded. His stomach was a mess of turning and flipping and ice cold anxiousness. Surely Mr Choi can't be insinuation it was his fault and he was blaming Namjoon? Jin would never do that. No, he cares too much for him members.

"I-I apologies, sir, if it came across the wrong way," Jin stated, hating how he stuttered. "I didn't mean to offend you. I won't be late in the future." Jin cast his eyes down at the end of his sentence, squirming from the pain in his shoulder. The grip was bruising now, it would surely leave a mark. He let a breath go when Mr Choi released him.

"Atta boy, Jin." Mr Choi said, smiling as if non of that had ever happened. Smiling as if Jin wasn't aching from where he had grabbed him. He put his arm around Jin, who flinched, and started walking him towards his bag. "Now, as long as you behave, we wont have to have any conversations like this again. Doesn't that sound good, Jin?" Mr Choi asked him.

Jin numbly nodded and forced out a small smile. The man seemed satisfied and gave Jin one last squeeze, just a bit too hard, and released him, walking out of the room.

Jin just stood there. He didn't quite understand what had just happened. Had he just been threatened? Assaulted?

He shook his head and packed up his bags, still recovering from the ice cold fear that had collected in his belly. He kept repeating the scene over and over again as he made his way home.

As he reached the front door to the dorm he had come to a couple of conclusions.

Mr Choi had grabbed him a little too hard and intimidated him because he was late. Mr Choi said that it wouldn't happen again if Jin stayed in his lane. So Jin came to the obvious conclusion that as long as he was on time and well-behaved, he had absolutely nothing to worry about. There was no point telling the boys, why worry them over nothing? It didn't matter than Jin's shoulder was incredibly sore and the thought of seeing Mr Choi tomorrow again made him feel kinda sick. Everything was fine. He could handle this himself. He is the oldest after all.

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