Part 4

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Hehe I am back again. I am writing instead of revising because bad bitches go down in style.


At first he didn't know where he was. He could hear a faint beeping sound, but it was muffled. He decided to just exist for a little while to give his body time to come around and catch up with his brain.

Unfortunately, this allowed his aches and pains to return. He didn't hurt as much as he did when he was at his brother's house but it was enough to make him furrow his eyebrows.

"Seokjin?" He heard someone ask. He tried to open his eyes and immediately closed them again due to the glare from the white lights above him.

He heard shuffling and attempted to open his eyes again. The room was darker now so it didn't hurt his eyes so much.

This was when he registered for the first time that he was in a hospital room. 

He had been hurt badly and his brother had called an ambulance. He remembered now. He remembered Mr Choi.

Feelings of anxiety began to from knots in his chest and he glanced at his brother. They were the only two people in the room. Seokjung was staring back at him with his arms crossed as he was slumped in an uncomfortable looking chair. Jin tried to sit further up his pillows and hissed as the fabric brushed against his back.

His brother leaned forward and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder to stop him moving. Jin allowed the hand to guide him back to laying on the bed. He settled back into the pillow and looked at the man in front of him.

Seokjung wiped a hand over his face and let out a sigh. Jin knew what was coming next. He had no time to prepare for the questions he was about to be asked and he was aching and tired enough to not care too much. He trusts his brother so he will tell him the truth of it all. Maybe he won't be too disappointed in him.

"You need to tell me what happened, Seokjin." His brother stated. It wasn't a question and Jin senses he wasn't done speaking so he remained quiet and just nodded. "You showed up to my house in the middle of the night covered in blood, sobbing, refusing to tell me what happened. You then said your dance teacher did this? That he's been hurting you for a while, and no one noticed?" They both ignored how his voice cracked at the end.

Jin nodded again. He didn't know what to say. That was it. There was nothing more to it. His dance teacher was hurting him and it got too much so he went to his brother. He didn't really know what to add to that.

Seokjung smiled sadly and nodded, as if compiling information in his head.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Around five and a half weeks." Jin replied quietly. It had been five weeks and four days, maybe five depending on how long Jin had been asleep. But hey, who was counting?

His brother blew out a breath and nodded once more. He saw tears gathering in his hyungs eyes and this made him panic. His brother never cried. This was all his fault, he needed to fix this comehow.

He sat up and threw his legs over the side of the bed, only now realizing that he was only wearing a hospital gown and boxers.

His brother was immediately on his feet trying to usher Jin back into bed.

"Jin, get back in bed! I'm serious, you need to lay down now." His brother said with a stern tone.

"Aish, hyung, I'm fine, seriously. You don't need to worry about me, please don't be sad. Really, look at me, I'm fine." Jin said, with extra emphasis on the word 'fine'. He held his arms up and smiled at Seokjing in the hopes that he would become less worried. However it seemed to have the opposite effect.

Tears were silently falling down his face as he placed both his hands on his little bother's shoulders.

Seokjung looked at his face on, looked him up and down and met his eyes again.

"Seokjin." He said quietly, bringing Jin's arms so they were in front of him. They both looked down at the bruises.

"You are not fine."

Jin's smile had long since left his face. He just looked between his brother and his arms without a clue what to do. 

Seokjung took a breath, "And that's okay, Jin. You're not fine and that is okay. Because you don't have to be fine anymore- you don't have to be strong anymore. I don't care if you're the oldest in your group, I'm going to make damn well fucking sure that you're looked after from now on." His voice was confident and strong, like a promise.

Jin nodded and a tear fell onto his nose. He wiped it away with his wrist.

"You might be Jin of BTS out there," he said, gesturing to the door, "but to me, you'll always be my little brother. And I'll always take care of you." With his last words he stepped forward and hugged Jin.

All the tension left his body as he relaxed into Seokjung's chest. Someone was holding him and keeping him safe. This was what he had been craving for so long. 

They stayed like that for a little while. Jin's legs hanging off of the hospital bed with his big brother's arms around him. 

And when he was ready, the doctor checked him over and discharged him after showing him how to dress his wounds. His left arm was put in a sling because his shoulder muscles on that side had been damaged pretty badly. The wounds would most likely leave scars and his pain medication was a high dose of something he couldn't even begin to pronounce. 

The police came not long after and Jin told them a brief overview of everything. His eyes remained glued to the floor and his brother never once strayed from his side. He stuttered over Mr Choi's name a few times and he heard the officers scoff in disgust at what the man had done to him. They were kind not to pry too deep and assured him they had more than enough evidence to arrest and convict Mr Choi without Jin ever having to see him again.

This put him slightly more at ease. 

The only thing left to do was tell the members. The management had been informed by the police of the situation who were very surprised to hear the news, understandably. Everyone had loved Mr Choi and could never imagine him doing anything like what Jin had described.

Jin didn't want to imagine how the members would react. Would they look down on him for not being able to protect himself? Would they call him a coward? Would they apologize for not seeing what was really going on?

He had no idea. In all honesty, he just wanted to stay with his hyung and hide from the world. He didn't want any responsibility or conflict right now. But he knew even if he did hide, he cannot hide forever, so he may as well get this over and done with.

He didn't have any clean clothes so his brother offered to go to the dorm to pick up some of his clothes and let the members know that Jin needed to talk with them about an 'incident'. It wasn't ideal, but it was a start.

"I'll be right back, okay?" Seokjung said as he got his coat on and picked up his keys, "If you need me, call me." And with that he was out the door.

Jin just hoped he was making the right descision.


Hiya, hope that wasnt terrible lol. Next chapter we see a lot more of the members come into it as a main plot point. I realized I've kinda not even included them till now so sorry about that. There will be hrut comfort as always, probably.


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