Part 3

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well last chap was traumatic to say the least... sorry haha. Here's some comfort for that hurt <3


Driving to his brother's house was probably one of the most painful things Seokjin had ever experienced. He couldn't lean back in his seat because it felt like shards of glass digging into his back, but the longer he leaned forward, the more the wounds stretched and ached.

But he had made it. He had fresh tears on his face and his hands were stained with blood. His clothes were crusty, his cheek was aching, everything was a mess.

Jin was so damn tired. He had been so strong these past weeks. he had held himself together, taken all the beatings on the chin but this was too far. Even his messed up head could recognize that. He just needed someone to look after him for once.

So he dragged himself out into the cold, letting out a sharp cry when his shoulder bumped the car door. He walked to the front door in the pitch black and knocked as hard as he could. It wasn't very hard. He didn't want to give any time to back out of this because even now he was starting to feel lightheaded.

He was leaning against the doorframe when his brother opened the door. Dim light from inside showed that his brother had still been awake even at this time of night.

"Jin?" His brother said in surprise. The he really looked at him. He saw the bruise blossoming on Jin's cheekbone, saw the blood on his white knuckles as he tried to hold himself up. He saw how his little brother had been crying and his expression morphed into one of extreme concern.

"Oh my god-Jin! What the hell happened to you?" Seokjung asked as he looped an arm under Jin's armpit. Jin didn't answer, but allowed his brother to guide him inside. When his hand grazed over his back Jin let out a small cry and closed his eyes.

"Shit, Jin you need to tell me what happened!" His brother was urgently questioning him as he sat him down in a chair.  Jin didn't lean back and he provided no answer once more.

He put his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands as his brother rushed to grab the first aid kit in the bahroom.

As he returned, he had his phone in hand. "Seokjin listen to me," He kneeled before him and moved his chin so they were looking eye to eye, "Do I need to call an ambulance?"

This prompted Jin to speak, "No, no I don't think so. I don't know?" He said in an unsure tone, his vice breaking multiple times through the sentence.

Warm tears were running down his cheeks again, but his brother gently brushed them away.

"Jinnie, you need to tell me how bad it is, okay? You need to tell me what's going on and where you are hurt so I can help you. Please?" His brother spoke so softly and kindly it that it made Jin cry more.

"It's bad, hyung." Jin managed to say, through his quiet sobs.

His brother let out a small curse and nodded.

"I need you to take off your shirt Jin, It's covered in blood." This sentence made Jin flinch slightly, but he knew it had to be done.

He sat up straight and slowly peeled his shirt over his head. It was warm from the blood and he held it in his hands as his brother stood up and looked.

"Fuck" His brother sounded winded. Seokjin didn't have any idea of how it looked but it must not look good from that reaction. 

Jin was crying again by the time his brother had collected himself enough to speak again.

"Jin we need to call an ambulance now." Seokjung was frantically searching for where he had put him phone and Jin felt panic slice through him. 

If he went to a hospital people would know. Everyone would know. Anyone could leak this to the press, to the members- everyone would know.

Before he knew what was happening he was hyperventilating. He was crying and he couldn't breathe and oh god everyone will find out and the members will know and they'll hate me and I can't breathe I'm gonna die-

"Seokjin!" The sound of Seokjing's voice penetrated his panic, "Hey, it's okay, listen to my voice and follow my breathing, okay?"

Jin tried to as best he could, and it worked somewhat. He was just sobbing now, out of fear and pain and tiredness of everything. He slipped off his chair and felt arms around him.

His brother held him on the floor, careful to avoid the areas of Jin's back that were injured. He was muttering calming words into Jin's hair as he cried. 

He was so tired and he hurt so bad.

Jin began to stop crying some time later. He was too tired to even open his eyes. The ache from his back had filled his bones and all he could do was lean against his hyung and wait.

"Jinnie, the paramedics will be here in around five minutes, okay?" His brother said softly. Jin managed a tiny nod of his head and it took all of his energy. He felt the chest underneath him rise and Seokjung let out a long sigh.

"You need to tell me what happened."

Jin knew this was coming, but he didn't want it to be yet. He wanted to stay like this and just rest, even if the rest was filled with pain and sorrow. He liked being held.

"My d-dance instructor." Jin whispered.

His brother tensed up with the new information and held Jin a little closer.

"He did this to you? All of this?" His brother questioned. 

Jin nodded a small nod and it made his neck ache.

His brother blew out a breath and Jin could tell he was angry. Jin would be angry too if he had any feeling left in his body.

"Is this the first time he's done something like this to you Jin?"

Jin shook his head. His brother whispered a small okay and placed a kiss in his hair. This made him feel safe and loved. He felt cared about. It's funny that it takes being abused for weeks and beaten bloody for someone to look after him. He would laugh if he could.

"What about the others? Is he hurting them too, like RM, Suga..." Seokjung questioned again.

This question made Jin feel sad. Hot tears welled in his eyes and they fell down his cheeks as he shook his head no.

"Oh Jin... and they didn't notice this was happening to you?"

This question pushed him over the edge and he began crying softly. His hyung was right, they didn't notice. They didn't see how he was hurting. They didn't see him getting pushed around or beaten and bruised. They didn't see him. 

His brother held him tightly while he cried, knowing that Seokjin had been completely alone all this time. 

By the time the paramedics arrived, Jin was still gently crying. His brother picked him up and carried him outside into the ambulance, knowing Jin probably couldn't even stand at this point.

Jin was half asleep now anyway, his eyes fluttering as the ambulance jolted through traffic.

He heard phrases such as "blood loss" and "laceration" and "critical" but he couldn't bring himself to care. His brother was still here with him, holding his hand. They locked eyes and he saw Seokjung smile a sad smile.

"It's okay," Seokjung said, "We are gonna look after you now, Jinnie. You're okay"

And with those words, Jin drifted off to sleep.

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