Part 8

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I am back. hello. :)


When Seokjin woke up the next morning his head felt more clear. His mind ran him through the events of yesterday and his chest became increasingly tight.

The members knew everything. He practically collapsed on Jimin and he told Yoongi everything in his sleep-addled state. Which means it's more than likely that everyone knows everything.

Everyone. Knows. Everything.

He rolled onto his side and curled in on himself, scrunching his face when he felt the skin on his back stretch. His dark hair was messily curling on his forehead and covering his eyes. 

His arms were wrapped around himself to try and ease the ache in his core. His sling didn't get in the way.

The members knew how weak he was. They knew how bad it was. They knew how hurt he was.

Seokjin felt like he had ice in his stomach. He didn't want to get out of bed. Things didn't feel nearly as scary yesterday because the need for sleep had taken taken over his brain.

Now, everything felt too much, and he didn't know why.

His eyes were squeezed shut and he was trying to keep his breathing steady. 

How was he going to face everyone? What did they think of him? God, what was he going to do? What if-

He heard the door to his room crack open. Footsteps softly sounded as what sounded like two people came closer to him. Jin pretended to be asleep, trying to relax his features as much as he could.

"He looks so small."

That was Taehyung. His deep voice was quiet, but in the silent room, Jin could hear the concern in his voice.

Now that Seokjin thinks about it, he supposes he has lost a little bit of weight in the past weeks. Purely from the stress and missed meals thanks to his- his extra lessons. If he could even call them that.

But, it's not like he's unhealthy, right? No, he is completely fine.

"We need to wake him up to take his meds." The other person replied. Yoongi. "His brother sent me his medication schedule and Hobi has made it his personal mission to sort out all of Jin-hyung's meds. He thinks it'll take some of the weight off of hyung's shoulders."

Jin appreciated that Yoongi brushed over Taehyung's comment. And his heart warmed at the thought of Hoseok doing something, just to make his life a little easier. Without noticing, the tightness in his chest began to ease.

He felt a warm hand on his waist and heat bled into his skin even through the covers. He took this as a cue to open his eyes.

He didn't expect to see Tae's face mere inches away from his own. He managed to conceal his flinch but had to blow out a breath of air to release the surge of energy he had felt from the fright. 

"Morning hyung! Did you sleep okay?" The younger asked him. He was so cheerful now it make Jin suspicious that the boy was putting it on in the hopes to make him feel better.

"Yeah," Seokjin replied, his voice scratchy and deep, "I slept well. Why are you waking me up so early?"

He began to prop himself up, forgetting about his shoulder. It couldn't handle his weight just yet so he fell the short distance back down onto his bed. Without any pain medication in his system he couldn't hold back the look of agony on his face.

His eyes whited out for a couple of seconds and his hand on his good arm was gently clutching his shoulder hoping to cure some of the pain.

It didn't help that he had fallen onto his back, so the ache from his wounds had been reawakened.

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