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I can't shake the image of Naima throwing Grey's letters at me. The pain in her eyes, her voice—I feel like such an ass.

I don't understand her. She's had everything—position, money, security, a father who adored her, the love of a Prince—yet it wasn't enough. She'd rather be a common thief than atone for her mistakes.

I breathe deeply as I walk out into the cool night air, letting it fill my lungs and chill my skin. I feel unsteady. There's a tiny ache in my chest.

I look up at the window to her room. It's obscured by the branches of a large Ash tree, its leaves brushing against the glass, blocking the moonlight that bears down on the manor. I stand there another moment, waiting for what I don't know. Nothing happens. No dagger comes hurtling towards me from the window. The sight of her beautiful face crumpled with sadness, tears shining in her silver eyes—tears that she never lets fall—flashes through my mind. It makes my heart beat harder to the point of pain.

I sigh, releasing the tension that stiffens my body.

With one final glance at Naima's darkened window, I begin the journal back to my room at the inn. The walk will allow me to decompress and figure out how I'll break the news to Grey.


One moment, I'm sleeping peacefully in the cool darkness of my room over the Kravis River. The next, sunlight streams through the window, forcing a loud groan of protest from me. The only part of this little expedition I was looking forward to was sleeping in.

It takes a minute before I realize I'm not alone. How else would the sunlight burst through? I jump out of bed, reaching for Sirocco—my broad sword—which I left leaning against the bedpost. It's not there. I turn swiftly, hands up, ready to fight the intruder with my bare hands, only to land face-to-face with Naima.

"Looks like someone's not as on the ball as they like to think they are," she drawls as she casually examines her nails.

I scowl at her as I scan the room, looking for my sword. Usually, I carry two dimachaeri over my back, which doesn't matter since I don't generally sleep with them. Sirocco, though, I've had that sword since I was a child. Before, I was big enough or strong enough to hold it, let alone swing it. It's like another appendage.

"I guess you're wondering where Sirocco is, eh?" She smiles wide and steps to the side, revealing my sword, which she has skillfully wrapped up in her umiru. I flinch. Poor Sirocco.

"What are you doing in my room?" I ask. I keep my voice level, but I'm definitely shocked she's here. After last night, I honestly didn't believe I'd ever see Naima again, let alone standing in my room looking so smug.

She stands by the window, limned in the sun's golden rays. They bounce off the loose curls that frame her face. She's dressed casually: dark tights, black boots, and a thick black sweater. She looks every bit the sophisticated thief and, annoyingly, lovely.

"Well," she begins, drawing out the word, "I've reconsidered His Majesty's request. I will return to Mirrador Castle for the Jubilee. Of course, I have a few requests of my own." She turns her head to the side, a smirk on her full pink lips.

"Requests?" More like demands.

"Yes. Requests. Shall we discuss over breakfast?" She throws a shirt at me. Right, I've been standing here in nothing but a loose pair of cotton trousers. I hastily pull the shirt over my head. By the time it's on, she's pulling open the heavy-set door that leads to the inn's hallway, which buzzes with activity.

She looks back at me, flipping her sheet of hair behind her. Satisfied that I'm following, she tugs her umiru, releasing its hold on Sirocco. With a flick of her wrist, the weapon slithers back into the midnight blue leather pouch wrapped around her arm. My sword momentarily stands suspended on its tip before collapsing heavily on its side.

I stare after her for a moment longer. Her moods change so suddenly it's a wonder I don't have whiplash. I grab my boots, snatch Sirocco from where she lays on the floor and thrust her into my scabbard. Then, despite my better judgment, I follow Naima down the hall.


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