Well here is the Gemini Females, hope you enjoy.
Zodiac High by IlyAri24
Zodiac Avenue by kyu_mi911
Galaxy High- Zodiac by Nighttime678
Zodiac Adventures by AlyssaTheDragon
A Zodiac World by FlipFlop101
Zodiac High- The Series by WatchMeWhip13
Zodiacs Destiny by SilverSoulZ
Zodiac Murder Mystery by paelenico
Paranormale Partners by Forever_Asleep
Supernatural Academy with the Zodiacs by zodiac_honey
Gender-fluid Gemini
Mental Case- A Zodiac Story by paelenicoWell here you go, also I'm going to regret this plus barely anyone comments, if you want a certain ship comment and I will try to find it. See you next time.