Leo Female

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I wanted to do this earlier but here goes one of the rarest zodiac to find as a female. I did not know that it would be this hard to find. Hope you enjoy.

Zodiac Killer by crxwclxb-

Raven's eyes (A Zodiac Story) by Aquariuser02

Zodiac Murder Mystery by paelenico

Iterum- A zodiac story by FlipFlop101

Zodiac Trials by AlyssaTheDragon

Galaxy High- Zodiac by Nighttime678

Zodiac Story by LC-may

The Roses and the Lilies by 7fairy_tail

Zodiac Story The Chaos Flat by SpiritGazer

I tried my best because there is not that many female leos which is bad but I tried my best. Comment what sign or even ship you want more.

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