Cancer Female

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For all the Cancer Females, here you go.

Natural- A Zodiac Story By @XXElementakMusexx

Zodiac Adventures by AlyssaTheDragon

Zodiac City by SpicyCaramel11

The Zodiac Kingdom by asdfmuffinkid

The Lost School by softsnuffkin123

Supernatural academy with the Zodiacs by zodiac_honey

Royal Academy (A Zodiac Tale) by SilverRose244

Blizzard Zodiac by Nighttime678

Zodiac Mansion by Awkward_Anime_Fan

Zodiac Mansion by highlyunlikeable08

Zodiac Mansion by StarryEyes78

Zodiac Mansion by Savvy0303

Zodiac Mansion by mikusani

Zodiac Mansion by howtotalktopeople101

The Roses and the Lilies by 7fairy_tail

This is a lot but there you go, comment what signs or ships you want next. Hoped you enjoyed.

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