where wolves go, ravens follow.

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"Have you noticed Wednesday following you around the school all day? Everyone's making a fuss about it." Yoko initiates a conversation with Enid as she puts down her tray.

"Yeah, of course I have, someone pointed it out." The latter speaks up, but doesn't look up at the vampire as she's busy poking holes through her food using a plastic fork.


Wednesday follows Enid around the school to ensure her safety, Enid thinks she's plotting her murder. Yoko is tired of their bullshit pining.


"Have you noticed Wednesday following you around the school all day? Everyone's making a fuss about it." Yoko initiates a conversation with Enid as she puts down her tray.

"Yeah, of course I have, someone pointed it out." The latter speaks up, but doesn't look up at the vampire as she's busy poking holes through her food using a plastic fork.

"Don't you think it's kind of weird?" The fanged fiend whispers, trying to tone down so no one else but the werewolf beside her. "I mean, she wasn't acting like this last semester. She's only been like this ever since we all came back here."

Enid finally looks at Yoko, "Of course I think it's weird!" She whisper-yells. "I literally have to look behind my back to make sure she's not gonna stab me or anything, she was glaring every time I catch her looking at me!"

"Calm down, you dog." The vampire puts her hand out like a stop signal, ignoring the offended look Enid gave at the nickname. "Something just tells me she's not following you around because she wants to study your carcass." She continues as she sips through her blood bag.

"Well, first of all I'm a werewolf, not a dog." Enid corrects, earning a mischievous smirk from her friend. "Second of all-"

"I know I'm not supposed to indulge in conversations like this, but what are you two talking about?" The two look towards where the voice is coming from, it was Wednesday with a tray of her own lunch in hand, Wednesday Addams eating at the quad? Now that's rare.

"Oh- Hi Wends, Uh-!" Enid greets in an enthusiastic tone. Almost a little too enthusiastic, the goth would say. "We were just talking about, uhm..-" She looks to the vampire beside her, requesting her aid in making an excuse.

"...About her break up with Ajax! Y-yeahh.." Yoko almost chokes, it just flew out of her mouth and it was the only excuse she could think of! Besides, an excuse that they were making plans for a project wouldn't work as she and Enid only have two classes together, which they both share with Wednesday, so what the hell was she supposed to say?!

"Enid and Ajax broke up?" Wednesday quirks up an eyebrow, she misses to see Enid hitting Yoko's elbow, to which the vampire hisses in pain. Why were werewolves so strong even if they haven't shifted?

"Yeah, we did actually." Enid says finally taking a bite out of her steak. It was already cold.

" Is there a reason behind that?"

"Well aren't you a curious one?" Yoko interrupts while rubbing the spot where Enid hit, earning a cold glare from the goth.

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