Study date and something more

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This chapter contains a slightly NSFW scene
Don't like, don't read.

I woke up to soft knocking on my door. "It's unlocked" I spoke. I rolled over to see Uraraka opening the door.

"Someone saw us"

"What?!" I jumped up. "How?! You said you did this a million times!"

"I have! I don't know how this happened... " she panicked. "Well who saw us?" I quietly scolded her.
"That's the problem! I don't know, all I know is that Toga wanted to make sure I got back safe so she convinced dabi to let her basically stalk us until we got back to UA. Then apparently when we were sneaking back in there was a student who saw us, they were in their uniform and all but that's all toga could make out in the distance."

"So what you're telling me is that it could be anyone?!?" "Basically" she responded. 'Shit shit shit' I thought to myself, what if I get kicked out of UA for this?! I can't have a fucking criminal record right now, I can't prove them right... "You know what? Maybe they didn't see us, it was really dark, in fact, maybe they're scared that we saw them. After all, they snuck out too." Uraraka said sweetly, i guess she saw the panic in my eyes.

"You think so?" I replied "Yeah, I do". " okay then, so we just go to class like normal and pretend nothing happened?" I took a breath. "Yeah I guess"

~Time Skip~

It was 4:50 and the bell rang, it was time to go home. I started packing up my things and right when I was about to go to Uraraka, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey kacchan?" I turned around to see deku. "Yeah?" "I was uh- wondering if you'd stay a little later to study with me today. You're really good at English right?" He asked hopefully. "Uhm yeah, but I normally study with Uraraka so-"

"Oh! No it's fine I'm sorry I wouldn't want to get in the way of you two's plans" He apologized. I stood there for a second thinking, which is ironic because I wasn't thinking at all when I said my next sentence. "Yknow what? It's fine, I don't mind helping out, ochako is pretty good at english anyways I'm sure she'll be fine" I said, Deku paused for a second and then looked at me with a soft smile, "Thanks Kacchan."

"It's no problem, really" I sat back down and got a couple of books from my bag. "So, what do you need help with the most?" I asked. "Spelling" He said nervously, "I've gotten better at it ever since I got diagnosed with dyslexia, but reading and spelling are still pretty difficult."

"Well lucky for you, spelling is where I shine most" I joked. We spent about an hour studying, then another two joking around and talking with each other. To be honest, it was way more fun than I thought it'd be. I guess I kind of missed being his friend.

I looked down at my phone and looked at the time. It was almost 8. "Oh my god it's late" Deku stated "yeah, I think I should start heading back to my dorm" I told him. I began to get up when deku grabbed my hand.

"Well actually, maybe you could stay a little longer, after all we are allowed to stay in the school until 10 and then we don't have to go back to our rooms until 12. The rules only say we can't leave campus." He looked at me hopefully.

"Okay then..." I sat back down. "What else do you need to go over?" I asked him, he seemed like he understood everything I was teaching him, so I'm not sure why he needs to study so bad. "Actually, I don't really want to study... This was kinda just an excuse to hang out with you" he said nervously.

"Oh- that uh, that explains a lot" I said. "So, what I wanted to really ask you is uhm... Would you wanna come back to my room to hang out?" Deku asked, not making eye contact.

I hesitated before answering, "... Why your room?"

His voice was very nervous and he began very loudly muttering, and he kinda looked like a tomato. "It's fine, I'd love to hang out in your room, but still not like that" I chuckled. "Oh- uh yeah that's great, let's go" he got up and grabbed his bag, clearly embarrassed. I smiled and got up to follow him.

We walked into the dorms, Midoriya was still rambling. Everyone stared at us as we walked passed to common room. Eventually we got to dekus dorm. We both sat down on his bed. We were there for hours laughing and talking about the randomest subjects.

"You know, it's really nice being friends again... I missed you" Deku smiled. "I missed you too" I replied.

We sat there for a second, staring into each others eyes. I forgot how fun it was to be with my childhood friend. My thoughts were interrupted by deku beginning to speak again. "So, have you and kirishima made up yet?"

"No, I don't think I ever want to date him again... Something about the way he just immediately went from loving to hating me feels off. I felt used, yknow?" I told him.

Deku sighed, "Yeah, I get what you mean. You deserve someone better than him anyways" I smiled at him "you really think so?" "Yeah, of course..."

Next thing I know, dekus face was slowly inching closer to mine, and suddenly, our lips met.

He grazed my cheek with his hand while putting the other one on my thigh, slowly moving one hand down and the other one up until both were on my waist. I put my arms around him, leaning into the kiss.

My mind was blank and my thoughts were foggy. All I could think about was his tongue in my mouth and his hands slowly exploring my body.

He softly pushed me down onto the bed and got on top of me, I wrapped my legs around him and he grabbed the bottom of my thigh.

I never thought I'd be making out with Deku, I always thought I'd be better than him. That he'd never amount to anything. But now it seems like he's someone I could learn to love. Like, this was meant to happen? I'm slowly starting to understand why kirishima used to be so protective of me in front of Deku.

I melted even deeper into the kiss, longing for something more. And soon enough, I got something more. Deku began to unbutton my shirt and take off his tie. Seconds later we were both topless and our chests were against each other. The kissing began to get a little more sloppy. And dekus energy seemed to get more lustful.

His hands went from groping my chest to unbuckling my belt. I quickly pulled away and grabbed his hands. "Actually- I'm uhm not sure I want to..."

"Oh! That's okay, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" He said, slightly concerned. "It's fine, it's not your fault, I'm just not ready for that kind of stuff yet. But, I'm alright with kissing if you still want to" I smiled nervously "Of course" he smiled, putting my face in the palm of his hand and continuing to kiss me.

After some time, we fell asleep in each other's arm's. This was actually quite nice. Maybe I am ready to date again... Maybe he's different.

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