The Yellew Flash's return/ The weaklings attack

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Hi guys and girls I'm back I know I say that all the time for the last couple years but I finally got myself in the right mood to actually do this shit for real again so I'll be updating once every couple of weeks may not be the same story because I got a few open ones that I want to try and get some extra stuff on there about done But you will see more of me now I know this profile was thought to be dead but it's not well you're not really here to listen to me ramble about everything so tell me what you think of the chapter. I'll see y'all in the comments like always.

Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage, the yellow flash, was standing In front of the demon fox and all the people in the crowd were freaking out. Soon there were shouts of excitement " Yes Minato  has us come back to us to kill the demon fox" " yes our savior has returned" another shouted.

Minato then flashed to Danzo and placed a binding seal on him then he spoke " My name is Minato Namikaze, the yellow flash of the leaf, fourth Hokage of the village hidden in the leaf. I defended you people. I saved you people. I sacrificed myself and my wife for you people. For what reason you try to kill my son THIS IS WHAT I DIED FOR THIS IS WHAT KUSHINA DIED FOR!!!".

"How dare you call that thing your son, that thing is the demon, the one that almost destroyed our village and I won't rest till it's dead" Danzo replied.

"Danzo, do you think I'm going to let you leave here alive? ... I'm going to do to you what I should have done when I first became Hokage. I'm going to make an example out of you." Minato replied.

"Root kill the fourth Hokage ,and his demon spawn" Danzo yelled.

"Good, I'm going to erase every route agent from the face of this planet" Minato yelled angrily.

"Kill one root agent, two more take his place," Danzo laughed.

Then 50 root anbu black ops soldiers attacked Minato but they were no match for him as he killed them very easily.

By this time Rasa had made his way to Naruto and freed him from his bonds and ran towards his father who was standing in the middle of the stadium holding Danzo by his neck.

"You are a traitor and a conspirator against the hidden leaf. I Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage hidden in the leaf, sentenced you to die and last words for yourself, " Minato said.
And before Danzo could say a word Minato snapped Danzo's neck.

" let this be a lesson to anyone who would try to hurt my son. I will find you and I will kill you all" Minato said.

At that point everyone left the stadium they ran away, flooded out of the stadium scared of their lives but the fourth a cocky was going to kill them for the way they treated his son.

"Dad"? Naruto cried

"My son, it has been so long since I laid eyes on you, you have grown so big and so strong," Minato replied.

"Where have you been why did you leave me don't you leave me don't you love me I'm your son" Naruto cried

Send there's not one thing in this world I love more than you. I didn't abandon you the night of your birth. Your mother and I were attacked. We sacrificed ourselves to save you and left you in the care of the third oh Hokage after that, I thought I was dead but three years later after you took off and fled to the village hidden in the Sand. I woke up. I found you eventually and I had talked to Risa and I realized you were in good hands and there were other threats to your life so I've been taking care of that for the last couple of years. I've been keeping an eye on you you've been doing so well I didn't think you needed me. You looked to Raza as a father, Gaara was your best friend and basically brother. You've got love of a good woman to marry and treat you better than anything Kushina could've hoped for.  I was going to make myself known very soon, but when this happened here, it pushed me to come out of the shadows sooner but we'll talk more about those things I've been doing in the shadows a little later once you come introduced me to your friends and we'll go back to the house because I'm sure you need to relax shower and eat. "Minato said

Naruto is about to collapse when he was tackled by Temari and Gaara.

" Naruto, I was so worried about you. I was ready to commit a war crime if they harmed you. I'm so glad you're OK baby I love you" Temari cried.

It's OK Mari-chan they be no great ninja war today thanks to me dad" Naruto said

" Kit, I sense someone is about to attack you," Kurama growled.

Naruto moved himself in front of Temari to stop her from being attacked . Naruto could only blink as he saw the lightning blade coming towards him when a giant sand wall came in front of him.

The sand wall had stopped. Sasuke's attack. He was alive.

"Sasuke, how are you alive? You were supposedly killed." Gaara yelled.

"It was the stupid old man's plan to get rid of the stupid demon brat. I was to fake my death and then I would keep everything that was his. That was what we agreed upon now appears I won't get what was agreed-upon so I'm gonna take it I'm going to kill you Gara, then I'm gonna kill your best friend and his father and I'm gonna take your sister to be my broodmare" Sasuke said.

You'll never get that far you can't beat me and you surely can't beat them teither. Make one move towards Naruto or my sister and I'm going to crush you and bury you so deep they'll never find the body Sasuke you think because you have the sharingan that you're so overpowered and so above everyone else. Well, let me tell you something you're nothing and no one you're so weak that your own brother wouldn't even kill you he left your worthless ass here in a village with no family. " Gaara yelled

I'm an Uchiha elite warrior, you are nothing more than a joke, a clown , you're weak, now, I know why your mother died. She saw your weak, pathetic self, and thought how could this weekend pathetic thing come from me so she died but don't worry you're gonna join her soon. Sasuke said

Gaara cracked his knuckles then his neck shut his eyes and raised his arms he started forming a sand spear, when Sasuke tried to attack him again, and jumped out of the way.

"Fire style, great fireball, Jutsu," Sasuke yelled.
Once again, Gaara jumped out of the way and dodged the attack. This angered Sasuke, who immediately jumped in close hand to hand combat and started to fight Gaara and  very nearly getting stabbed by Gaara's sand spear.

"How are you dodging my attacks? It doesn't make any sense if your eyes are closed." Sasuke asked.

" You really haven't figured it out and they call you a prodigy and a sensory type ninja. I can sense your energy and knowing that you use your sharingan and if I don't look you in the eyes you can't use it on me. Not that going to do much good for you anyway because of the tailed beast sealed inside of me I can break on any genjutsu. " Gaara said

Gaara uses his sand technique to cuff Sasuke's hands and feet binding him to where he can't move, and just his guard brings his Sand spear  Sasuke's throat he stops and someone grabs him on the shoulder.

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