Stupid kids

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Willy b: soooo.... Uhm.....

MTJ: oh no

Willy b: is anyone mature able to help?

The showman: please?

YRB: we need help desperately!

Old man: what did you do?

Ham: who is 'we'?

Clyde: me, William, Alex, Ryan, and Bubba

Taco: why wasn't I invited!!!

Bub: it was a last minute thing!

Jimmie: what did you do?!?!

The showman: so um, it's a long story

Clyde: we were bored, so we thought fishing would be a good idea

MTJ: now why would you think that?

Sliced bread: how dumb are you?

Bub: well long story short, we are stuck in the middle of a lake, with no motor or oars

Willy b: Ryan also has a fish hook in his hand

Old man: WHAT?!?!?!

Melon: how the heck do you not have a motor?

MTJ: or oars?

The showman: well you see, we are in a very small boat and a we didn't secure the motor well enough apparently cause we were cruising along and it fell off.

Clyde: it might also be a good time to mention it's a really old 12 foot aluminum boat, that has some tiny cracks in the bottom.

YRB: it's also filled with 5 grown men

Willy b: what their trying to say is.... WE ARE SINKING SO HURRY UP AND COME SAVE US!!!!!!!!

Old man: Martin, Denny and I are on our way

Ham: y'all are so stupid

C bell: how did Ryan end up with the hook in his hand?

Clyde: I honestly don't know

YRB: I was trying to cast

The showman; key word TRYING

Larson: honestly this is the most entertaining group chat I've ever been a part of.

Willy b: we've been saved!!!!

MTJ: 🙄

Ham: you kids are so stupid

Ty: I'm the youngest here and I don't do anything stupid

Cindric: neither do I

C bell; me either

Taco: I wasn't part of this either

MTJ: but you wanted to be

Sliced bread: where's Kevin? He hasn't said anything yet

MTJ: he's driving Ryan to the hospital to get the hook removed

Larson: makes sense

Dillion: the kids never fail to shock me with how stupid they are

MTJ: your pretty much a kid as well

Dillion: not really your just old

Ty: 🫢

Clyde: is it just me or did anyone else think reddick was older then he actually is?

Midget: 🤨

Bub: yes! He just seems so much older when he's actually not

Sliced bread: exact opposite of William and Christopher

Willy b: 😡

C bell: 😡

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